100 Things

100 Things About Me:

  1. I am pretty tall for a girl: 5’8″.
  2. I used to be really tall, but everyone else caught up.
  3. I am a Leo.
  4. I was born in the year of the monkey.
  5. The night before I was born my mother had a dream that she gave birth to a monkey.
  6. I am, however, NOT a monkey.
  7. Although, I used to love climbing trees.
  8. I was quite a tomboy.
  9. I love animals: I have two dogs (black labs), two cats, and two beta fish.
  10. I have a “thing” with even numbers (see #9).

2 thoughts on “100 Things

  1. wow…we sound a lot alike! except i am not tall!
    i have a thing with even numbers, but 11 doesn’t bother me. compulsive list maker, married in 2002, i count things, have a big sweet tooth, don’t deal well with heat, don’t like yellow gold, also like friends (the show, and my real, live breathing ones) maybe the biggest likeness, is the due date of your baby…mine was due dec 18, 2005…she was born on the 28th though…8 lbs. 4 oz…is this your 1st? well, congrats to you and your husband anyways!

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