It’s been awhile since we have done this, so I thought I should post my 24 week (or SIX months–holy crap how can I be that far along already?!) belly shot. Looking at the pictures, it doesn’t really look any different than the 20 week belly shot (maybe that is because I am wearing the same shirt) but I gotta admit, it definitely feels bigger. And I know it is growing because I have the first little signs of stretch marks as an indicator (I knew there was no way I was going to avoid that little pregnancy marker simply because of the stretch marks I already have from when I got hips overnight in middle school. Ahhh the joys of being a girl.)
DAMN stretch marks! There is nothing else more annoying about pregnancy because mine simply are NOT going away. I smoothered that Palmers Lotion all over my belly with no luck. I’m sorry sweetie!
But hey, there is a prize at the end. Grow baby Grow!
Lookin’ hot! I think the "big push" belly-wise is about to begin!