Ana had her six-month doctors appointment today. Here are her stats from the appt:
Height: 27″ (85th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 12.5 oz (50th percentile)
Head: 43 cm (70th percentile)
Ana seems to be following a very nice growth pattern as all of her measurements are all in relatively the same percentile as her last appointment. She also had her third round of several immunizations today. She was not happy about this in the least and promptly turned very red and huge crocodile tears rolled down her chubby cheeks. Poor kiddo! But aside from the emotional distress, the appointment went very well. She is meeting all her developmental milestones and holding firm in her refusal to spend any long period of time on her tummy, but the doctor says there is nothing to worry about. I gotta say one thing for my daughter, she is definitely consistent!
On a very exciting note, we were given the green light on introducing Ana to solid foods. We will be starting with rice cereal (there is a lower allergic reaction rate with rice versus wheat) then gradually adding in pureed fruits (apples, pears, etc.) and vegetables (carrots, squash, etc.) and finally meats (chicken and turkey). I just have to add that the thought of pureed meat makes my stomach turn. Blech! Typically we will wait 2-3 days between each new food to watch out for any allergic reactions. I plan to make all her food myself, in an attempt to eliminate any unnecessary chemicals/preservatives, as well as help Simeon and I eat better ourselves. She will eat what we eat….just in a slightly different form, of course. Don’t worry, I will keep you all posted more on this adventure as it progresses. (Don’t forget to check back later for a video of her first feeding!) That is all there is to report until next time at her 9 month doctors appointment in September.