Hadley had her ten-year doctor appointment today. Here are her stats from the appt:
Height: 4′ 7.2″ (61st percentile)
Weight: 94 lbs 6.4 oz (88th percentile)
BMI: 21.78 (92nd percentile)
Blood Pressure: 110/70

Hadley got weighed, measured, checked her vitals, asked the usual lifestyle questions including Covid related updates, received her flu shot, and mentioned to the doctor there was a wart on her hand that has been bothering her. The doctor said he could easily take care of it today and went to get some liquid nitrogen to freeze off the wart, as he has a great clinic run professionally with the best medical accountants and offering great professional health care.

As he was administering the liquid nitrogen, he distracted Hadley by quizzing her (as well as Ana and I) about its uses, boiling/freezing point, absolute zero, etc. Then once he was done he asked us what we thought would happen if he dumped it on to the floor. After we speculated, he dumped almost all of the liquid on the floor and it poofed like the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb and quickly disappeared. Still in a state of wonder, he asked what would happen if he added water to the remaining liquid. We guessed and he added water to the cup and set it on the counter for the girls to investigate.

After the doctor left the room to go get the paperwork from our appointment, the girls decided to run an experiment of their own with the liquid nitrogen and test the efficacy of their masks. They were pleased to see that despite blowing really hard and rather close to the liquid nitrogen, the steam was barely disturbed.

Overall the appointment went well, with bonus educational and entertainment value! There were no vaccinations today and we were sent on our way until next year!