Dear Ana,
My sweet little monkey you are now six months old and we are having so much fun together! This month your firsts include camping, going to the park, sitting in the grass, and riding in your stroller without the car seat–just like the big girls do it. I know all mother’s say this, but the stage you are at now is my favorite. You are learning new things each and every day. So many things, in fact, it has become difficult to keep track. All I know is you continue to constantly amaze me.

Your latest milestone has been teething. I had recently started telling people you were teething when you were acting fussy, however I didn’t really believe it myself. I would prefer people to think you are a sweet baby and not allow a little outburst to tarnish your typically mellow personality. So you can imagine my surprise when I was letting you chew on my finger and I felt your first tooth. Actually, teeth, is more accurate. Without my really knowing it, you went and got your bottom two front teeth. Turns out you really were fussy because of teething!

You have also become very aware of everything around you and reach for things you want. It is so much fun to watch you intently examine everything you can get your hands on. Your favorite things, the things when you see them you instantly light up and reach for, include my water bottle, the TiVo remote (the colored buttons are the best), my cell phone, and each and every one of our pets.

You are mesmerized by the cats and dogs. You love to reach out and try to pet them. When I lay you on the floor to play, the dogs will lay on either side of you. Molly picks a spot close enough that she can excitedly lick you back when you tug on her ears. Ellie, on the other hand, will lay just out of your reach–close enough that she can watch over and protect you, but far enough away that you can’t actually touch her. But the cats have surprised me most of all. They actually let you pet them! Even when you “pet” them so vigorously that your tiny hand comes away filled with tufts of hair. I guess the cats understand sometimes love hurts.

In the last month you also started rolling over. Currently it is only from front to back. I know it was your sheer dislike of tummy time that brought on this new skill. It also makes me wonder if you will ever roll from back to front because I know you would never willingly put yourself into tummy time! I am sure you will be performing tricky acrobatics, or at the very least advanced yoga, before you voluntarily spend time on your stomach.

Hand in hand with rolling over has come sitting by yourself. If we set you down and pretend we aren’t watching you, you will sit unassisted for several minutes. However, if we noticeably look in your direction, or God forbid speak of your sitting up, you topple over. It is as if the words themselves knock you down. On the plus side, when you fall over forwards, you are quickly able to flip yourself over onto your back. You are perfectly content when you fall over backwards and look at us as if to say, “Nice! That’s just what I wanted!” Either way, it is highly entertaining to watch.

Not necessarily a milestone, but wonderful nonetheless is the fact that you have started giving kisses. Now these are not your typical slimy, wet baby kisses. Oh no. You give piranha kisses. You come at us open mouthed, like a hungry baby bird and chomp down on whatever gets in your path, be that my cheek, chin or even shoulder. But I don’t mind, as long as you are giving out kisses, I will always be there to accept them.

All my love,