Today I am 20 weeks, which is officially the half-way mark in my pregnancy (assuming I go the whole 40 weeks this time). So, what has been happening? Well, I have been feeling the baby move. Sometimes I am more sure it’s baby (and less stomach funkiness) than others, but the human body does all sorts of strange things so it can be hard to tell. From time to time I will feel something that feels like a kick, but I know the baby is much too small at this point for me to feel it so strongly, so I can only assume it’s something digestive. At this stage, when the baby moves it’s more like bubbles or that feeling you get when you miss a step walking down the stairs. Nothing I would describe as “kicking” and certainly nothing like the kicks I remember getting late in my pregnancy with Ana.
I’m also at the point where I am no longer allowed to lay flat on my back (because my uterus will put too much weight on my inferior vena cava-the vein that transports blood from your lower body to the heart) so I have once again dug out my Snoogle. It has become the coveted spot on my bed and both cats literally wait for me to make the bed in the morning so they can be the first to claim the comfy spot. But other than being a lovely cat nest, it has made sleeping so much more comfortable, which in my ever expanding state, is quite a feat.
Frodo enjoying the Snoogle, tucked safely under the covers.

Otherwise I have been feeling pretty good. I haven’t thrown up in a week (knock on wood), I have started to get some of my energy back (in little tiny spurts), and I have still managed to get in a few good Stroller Strides workouts each week. Now we are just waiting for my ultrasound on July 6th where we will (hopefully find out if Baby Bateman 2.0 is a boy or a girl! Wahoo!
Oh and here is the much anticipated 20 week belly shot. Lovely, eh?

(For comparison sake, here is my 20 weeks with Ana post.)
As always, any pictures of Baby Bateman 2.0 will be collected here.