A Letter: Seven Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn seven months old. It has been such a busy and exciting month for you. You have had so many milestones, firsts, and things going on, that it is almost hard to know where to begin. All I know is that it has been so much fun watching you conquer the world around you.

I guess if I had to start somewhere, the big news this month is that you started solid food. You are an amazing eater. Regardless of what we are feeding you or how much you like it (Carrots are your favorite. Peas are not.) you will always open your mouth for another bite. You even manage to (mostly) keep your hands out of the way, so you stay relatively clean as you eat your meals (which delights me to no end). You don’t like to play with your food. To you, meal time is NOT play time. You get down to business and I could not be happier about it.

You have also finally mastered sitting up, and you now do it like a pro. Unless you get overly excited about something or you get knocked over by one of our animals (or a “helpful” older sister), I can pretty much guarantee when I set you down in a seated position, you will be in the same spot when I return.

However, if I set you down on your tummy, all bets are off! You have started scooting…backwards. It frustrates you to no end that you try and try AND TRY to move forward but you are constantly stuck in reverse. A lot of the time this results in you getting stuck under various pieces of furniture.

A few weeks ago we took you to the beach for the first time. Not just to the coast (where a lot of our family lives) but to the actual BEACH. Sand and all. It was a pretty nice day so we decided to venture out and let you take it all in. We set you down and you immediately reached down with both hands and ran your fingers through the sand. Before we knew it, you were covering your legs with sand and wiggling around in delight.

Almost as shocking as your reaction to sand, was your reaction to grass. When we set you down directly on the lawn for the first time instead of recoiling in shock at the spiky new texture, you reached down with both hands and grabbed it by the fistfuls. It was everything we could do to keep you from tearing all the grass right out of the ground! It never ceases to amaze me how fearless you are of new things. Nothing takes you by surprise and very rarely does anything even bother you.

In the same trip to the beach, we let you sit up in the stroller for the very first time. During our Stroller Strides classes, I still have you snuggled in to your car seat in the stroller (so you are more secure AND so you are more likely to fall asleep), but for this adventure we wanted you to be alert and able to see everything around you. You didn’t seem to care too much about this new seating arrangement… you were more concerned with the array of straps and buckles you had yet to taste.

Another very exciting thing happened this month: your Grandpa Larry held you for the very first time. This may seem like an odd thing to have happen seven months into your life, but my Dad isn’t too keen on holding the little babies (he says that is what Grandma’s are for) but he has a great time rough-housing with his grandchildren once they are a little less, uh, fragile. So when he swooped down and picked you up off the couch the other day, it broke my heart just a little bit to acknowledge how quickly you are growing up.

With your ever increasing physical abilities and interests in the world around you, the options to keep you entertained are expanding all the time. While we were playing outside the other day you were eying our Cozy Coupe. I looked at it, looked and you, and thought, “Why not?” So I plopped you inside the car and watched your eyes go wide with delight when within a matter of minutes you were not only sitting up in the car, but you started moving it (backwards, of course!) with your tiny feet. Have I told you lately that you are still suppose to be a baby? Because I am not ready for you to be a KID just yet.

Ana is also thoroughly enjoying that you can do more things so she can FINALLY play with you. Right now she is finding the most success playing food related games (restaurant, tea party, etc.) because everything she gives you goes straight into your mouth. She is much more accepting of this fact when you are shoving a plate or cup into your mouth rather than one of her La La Loopsy dolls.

It has been such a fabulous month with you. I love watching you experience things for the first time. I love the way you smile every time you see me. And I even love it when you cry when I set you down because I know that it is just your way of telling me that you love me and you need me. I know that I may not always be the most important person in your world, but at this moment I am and for that I am eternally grateful.

All my love,

A Letter: Six Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn six months old. Happy half birthday! It’s hard to believe it has already been half a year. Time just goes by so fast. You are such an amazing child and you make each day more enjoyable simply with your presence. It’s like you radiate happiness. Just yesterday we were driving in the car and Ana was making faces at you and you were giggling hysterically. Your dad and I exchanged a smile and I said I was pretty sure that was the most amazing sound I have ever heard.

You are truly aware of the world around you now. This has its advantages… and its disadvantages. You are very easily distracted, so it’s harder to nurse you. We often have to be alone in a quiet room before you give up and realize there isn’t anything more important going on and finally settle down to eat. At the same time, you are easily distractible. If you happen to get upset, we can calm you down pretty quickly by handing you a toy or an object you haven’t seen before.

When noticing things around you, you are particularly keen on things of mine. Anything in my hands you instantly try to grab: my phone, my keys, my water bottle. You name it. I assume you want to know what is so interesting about it that I have hand selected it and you immediately try to steal it to figure it out. You are also very fond of my jewelry especially the black rings. You grab, twist, and pull on my necklaces and on several occasions I have caught you turning yourself into a pretzel trying to chew on my watch.

But putting everything in your mouth is an important developmental milestone. You are figuring out the way things taste and feel, and at the same time you are probably getting some relief from the discomfort of teething. You don’t have any visible teeth yet, but you chomp down on just about anything you can get your chubby little hands on, so I am sure it’s only a matter of time!

Speaking of putting everything in your mouth, in the last few days you finally accomplished a task that you have been aspiring to achieve for weeks: you got your foot in your mouth. As any mothers of a well-rounded baby knows, this is no small feat (Ha! I almost just wrote “feet!”)! You noticed your tootsies a couple weeks ago and ever since then you have been reaching for them, grabbing and watching them just slip away. But once you got a good grip and were finally able to make contact with your mouth you looked at me like, “Did you know I could do this?!” Yes, yes I did. Chew on, baby girl.

Mmm. Toes.
Your interests do go beyond what you can put in your mouth. You have a very obvious appreciation for music. It soothes you when nothing else can. When I am in the middle of my Stroller Strides class and you are D-O-N-E being in the stroller, I can often calm you down by singing you a lullaby. Ana is aware of this as well and I have found her making up songs for you when you are fussy or upset. In fact, the other day she decided to share the music on her iPhone with you and let you wear her headphones for awhile. You weren’t quite sure what was going on, but you liked it!

Spring is desperately trying to arrive in Portland and with it comes glimpses of the sun. But for you, my fair-skinned, blue-eyed baby, this isn’t always the best thing. I hate seeing you flinch away when the sun blinds you, so the other day I picked up a pair of adorable baby sunglasses from this site web. You thought they were hilarious! You even kept them on for quite awhile before you managed to pull them off your face… and promptly decided to chew on them instead.

A couple weeks ago you were sitting on the Boppy on my lap after a feeding and you pushed yourself back in such a way that you ended up hanging upside down. Thinking you just lost control of your balance, I quickly righted you only to have you flip yourself right back into that position. Everything was instantly different and you were delighted in your accomplishment. But who am I to blame you for occasionally wanting a fresh perspective in life?!

I have a handful of friends who all had babies (daughters even!) around the same time you were born and we have finally gotten around to having a few baby play dates recently. Mostly it’s us mamas comparing stories and commiserating about 3am feedings, while you kiddos lay near each other on the floor but you are slowly starting to become more aware of each other. Now you are only staring, smiling, or even squawking at your tiny friends, but before long you are going to be whispering about boys and trying on each others clothes.

Last weekend we drove up to Mt. Hood Skibowl to get in a final day of tubing in the snow. You have been doing so much better entertaining yourself in the car, that we didn’t even hesitate about bringing you along. And I was so happy we did. We bundled you up (though it was such a nice day, we were peeling off the layers before too long!) and let you take in the amazing scenery, the fresh air, and the endless parade of people flying down the mountain on inner tubes. You were laughing at your sister’s giggles and squeals as she rode down the steep hill over and over again. I even set you down in the snow and watched you feel it with your fingertips and saw the delight in your eyes as you explored this new icy sensation.

Oh, Hadley. I love you so much. You are beautiful, intelligent, inquisitive, and loving. I could go on and on listing endless adjectives describing what a wonderful child you are, but the most important thing is that you are mine and I get to cherish every single one of the traits you are and look forward to discovering the ones you will become.

All my love,

A Letter: Five Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn five months old. To celebrate the occasion (and the unseasonably sunny weather) I packed up you and your sister and we spent the morning at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn. I had an amazing time walking around admiring the stunning rows of my favorite flowers, basking in the warm sun, and enjoying the company of my precious daughters.

While you have always been a pretty happy and content baby, the fact that you can now entertain yourself with toys has made you even happier and more content. We are able to actual get things accomplished while you stare contently at the faces of your toys or chew happily on whatever unsuspecting toy got within your ever expanding reach, occasionally lifting the item to your mouth and coating it entirely in drool.

Speaking of drool, you are constantly covered in it. I do my best to wipe you off, but before I have even had a chance to set down the cloth I dry you with, I look over at you and you stare back at me with a huge drooly smile. Now how am I suppose to be annoyed about the drool when it makes you so happy? So I almost never get to set down the drool cloth anymore. Not being a fan of drooly, messy, or sticky children (your older sister will surely attest to this) I do my best to keep you looking presentable. Besides, who wants to nibble on a soggy baby? And you know how I love to nibble.

But in the grand scheme of things, I have to admit, the drool is FAR better than the puke. You use to be a projectile vomiting queen, but (and I finally feel safe admitting this) it’s been well over a month (maybe even two!) since you have thrown up. I have never been so happy to have a baby outgrow a phase of life. I think your digestive system finally matured enough that you are now able to keep all the food I feed you down. All the better to fatten you up, if you ask me. How else would you stay in the 97th percentile for height and weight and keep up those adorable rolls on your knees. I didn’t even know babies could have rolls on their knees, but you do. And they are simply irresistible.

While your digestion has improved, I’m sorry to say your sleep habits have not. I was really excited about those long stretches of sleep you teased us with, but those seem like a distant memory now. The last week or so (it’s so hard to judge time when you are sleep deprived) you have been getting up about every two hours. All. Night. Long. It’s not your fault. We’ve all been sick and between not being able to breathe properly and spontaneous coughing fits, you’ve had the hardest time sleeping. Not to mention the teething your pediatrician assures me you are experiencing. I know that can’t be fun. So all in all, you’ve been a hot mess when it comes to sleeping. But thankfully you aren’t up for long when you wake in the night, so I am able to quickly comfort you and feed you, then your Daddy wraps you up and rocks you to sleep. Then your father and I crawl back into our bed, asleep before our head even hits the pillow, knowing that in two hours we get to do it all over again.

In this family, we aren’t very good at just sitting around. We like to get out and enjoy all the lovely things Portland has to offer. One of those thing we did recently was the Shamrock Run and it was your very first race. Sure, you rode in the stroller for most of it, but you were there! The best thing about the Shamrock Run is the amazing energy of the race. Everyone is happy, dressed in silly St. Patrick’s Day attire and they don’t even mind the cold, the rain, or that fact that it was day lights savings time and we lost an hour of sleep. It was a lot of fun and hopefully we will be able to make it a family tradition.

While occasionally having two children can be complicated (like helping a preschooler go to the bathroom in a port-a-potty with a baby strapped to your chest) there are times when having a second child is significantly easier. Ana loves to help me with anything and everything that involves you. She doesn’t even mind throwing away your dirty diapers. But she simply loves entertaining you. Whether that be dancing around the room to elicit your precious giggles, serenading you with a song she made up herself, or reading you her favorite book, Ana is happy to step up. Don’t think you are missing anything by having Ana do these things instead of me. She is a much better performer and you clearly prefer her talents to my own. Just to toss out a few more clichés, you have eyes only for her and she thinks you are the bee’s knees.

The other day us girls were walking through the mall and I casually mentioned (mostly as a warning to Ana who is not a fan of “fluffy” creatures) that the Easter Bunny might be at the mall. Instead of growing suspicious and leery, Ana was very eager to take you to meet the Easter Bunny. We originally planned to just walk up and say hello, but both you girls were very happy to see the giant fluffy animal, so we just had to get the picture as well. As you can see, you clearly don’t have a problem with the Fluffies. Yet.

Of all the fun things we do on a daily basis, my favorite thing is walking into your room first thing in the morning, when you have just started to wake up and are babbling to yourself. I love peering over the top of your crib and in that one moment when our eyes meet, a smile–the most beautiful and pure smile I have ever seen–takes over your face and I know you are happy to see me. Just when I thought my love for you couldn’t get any bigger, I wake up and discover that I love you even more.

Watching Ana ride her bike

All my love,

P.S. I totally almost forgot to mention that you rolled over this month! On March 17th you rolled over for the very first time. You were clearly less than impressed because you waiting until today to do it again. And that’s just fine with me. I think mobility is totally over rated anyway. Can’t you just stay a baby forever?

A Letter: Four Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn four months old. So many things have happened this month, it seems like you are growing up in leaps and bounds. You have such a defined personality and an array of facial expressions that rival most adults. I’m always trying to guess what you are thinking based on your face and often catch myself imagining the conversations we will have just as soon as you have the ability to vocalize your thoughts with more than just squeaks, squawks, and grunts.

If last month was all about you trying to get your hands to your mouth, this month is all about you chewing on those hands. You have a really unique way of chewing on your hands too: you stick out your thumb and forefinger in opposite directions and bite down. Almost like a tiny little bite guard. And with all that chewing comes lots of drool. Your hands are constantly wet, as is much of your shirt. People keep asking me if you are teething and while I don’t see anything, I’m not taking it off the table just yet. I mean, there is a LOT of chewing and drool.

You have also started playing with toys this month. This delights Ana to no end. She is so excited that she can give you things that provide you with endless entertainment. I find it convenient that we can now keep you distracted in your car seat for a longer period of time. I can also set you down on the play mat you got for Christmas and you will reach for the toys, batting them around and chatter away while I finish chores around the house. I use to have to wait for you to fall asleep to get anything done, but now that you are better at keeping yourself entertained, our house is going to be a much cleaner place to hang out!

A couple weeks ago we had our first outdoor Stroller Strides class of the year. It just happened to be unseasonably cold that day, but since the sun was shining I decided to bundle you girls up and take you for a fun adventure at the park. You did fabulously and managed to sleep through the majority of the class, enjoying your plush, cozy, little bundle of warmth.

You are getting so much stronger and you love to practice sitting up in the Bumbo. You are already trying to sit up on your own and when I lay you on my lap or on the Boppy half the time you try to pull yourself up, so much so that you are almost constantly doing a V-sit! You also love for me to hold your hands and let you stand up on my lap. You like to lean, dip, and sway to get the feel for what your body is capable of doing. It’s only a matter of time until you are able to master those physical abilities and use them to move yourself around!

When it comes to sleep, you have always been pretty great. Sure, you get up in the night, but we get some long stretches in there. For the most part you are asleep by 8:30 or 9pm and sleep for about seven hours or so. Then you wake up for a very brief time and go back to sleep for another three or four hours, waking up for the day around 7:30 or 8am. But we have had numerous days where you slept from 9pm-6:45am or 8:45pm-7:15am and it was AMAZING. (Sure, my boobs weren’t particularly happy, but the rest of me figured it was a fair trade.)

On mornings where Ana is up before you, she waits til she hears you talking in your bed and then I hear her feet pitter patter across the floor and then up to your room. She just loves to be the first person to talk to you each morning. She keeps a stool in your room which she drags over to your crib, climbs up, and peers in at you. She unwraps your swaddle blanket and lets you stretch and smile as you gently wake up. Then she generally sings you a song, tickles your tummy, or just enjoys you until your Daddy or I come in to pick you up out of the crib. It’s so amazing to watch you and Ana together. I can already tell you are going to have an amazing relationship.

We decided we needed to have a little family getaway so we spent this last weekend in Bend. This was your very first trip away from home. In our family we have this little tradition when we go on vacation: the first thing we do when we get to our room (before anyone has a chance to mess it up) is take a picture on the bed. So on Friday night, you got to be a part of your first hotel bed shot.

You adjusted well to sleeping in a strange bed. Most hotels provide a crib (or at the very least, a pack ‘n play) and you adapted quite nicely. You woke up a couple more times than normal, but I think it was because the heater in the room kept kicking on in the night and waking you up. But otherwise everything went smoothly.

Another exciting thing about staying in a hotel is playing in the pool. On our Bend vacation you went swimming for your very first time! It’s pretty special because this was the very same pool where Ana swam for the first time. It’s one of our favorite places to visit, so it’s only appropriate that we have so many wonderful memories and first milestones take place there.

Like most other moms, I spend a lot of time just staring at you. Marveling at the things you do, cherishing the person you are, and pondering who you will become. One day last week while I was looking into your beautiful blue eyes you looked back at me, reached up and rested your tiny hand on my cheek. At that moment you and I made a connection that melted my heart. It was like you were telling me “I know, Mama.” And I don’t want you to ever forget it.

All my love,

A Letter: Three Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn three months old. That’s a quarter of a year. How is that even possible? A year always seems like such a long stretch of time, but we’ve blown through a fourth of it already! It’s been so much fun spending time with you. You are full of smiles and love to coo and squeal. We have some very entertaining “conversations” where I alternate talking to you and listening to you babble on in your own little baby language. I always love to hear what you have to say.

You are such a happy girl and are more than willing to just go with the flow. Our schedule is quiet full, and let’s be honest, a little hectic, but you are always mellow and happy to check out the myriad of entertaining places we go, whether it’s play dates with our friends, out to dinner, or just driving around running errands. I love looking back in the “baby mirror” in my car to see you gazing out the window, just enjoying the world around you.

Earlier in the month you developed a new “skill” of bringing your fist directly to your eye and then dragging it down your face to get it to your mouth. But now, in a matter of days after practicing that skill, you are now able to bring your hands straight to your mouth. Just like that. BAM. Hands to mouth? Mastered. It’s amazing how quickly you are able to figure things out. Now you are working on using your hands to bring other things to your mouth, such as your clothes, Ana’s hair, and just about anything else within your reach. Needless to say, I have to really be on top of trimming your nails because those little things are sharp and grow like you wouldn’t believe! So we have a standing manicure date every Monday to trim your nails. Anything I can do to make hitting those developmental milestones as painless as possible!

While I stay home with you during the day, there are often times when I need to leave you with your Dad at night so we have had to experiment with giving you a bottled of my (pumped) milk. The first time you were NOT a fan (and threw it up all over your poor Daddy). We understand there is often a learning curve to things like this, so we tried a few more times and the past couple times you have started to get the hang of it. But you still clearly prefer your milk directly from Mama… and that is just fine with me!

(Once you were better at taking a bottle we let Ana help feed you. She was SO excited to get to be involved in the feeding process.)

Bath time is easily your favorite time of day. We recently let you take a bath in the big bathtub with Ana. Sure, Daddy had to hold on to you the whole time (rather than letting you rest in your little baby hammock in the little tub) but you loved splashing in the water along with your big sister. In fact it was hard to tell who was enjoying sharing their bath more, you or Ana!

Well, my little sweet pea, it’s been another amazing month. I love watching you grow and can’t help but imagine the person you are going to become. You have your whole life ahead of you and I want to help you to have every opportunity you could ever want. I can’t wait to hold your hand along the way, stand behind you when you need someone to have your back, and be the first to hug you whenever you need me. Until then, I’m going to practice by holding your tiny hands in mine, soothe you by rubbing your back, and hugging you as much as possible.

All my love,

A Letter: Two Months

Dear Hadley,
Yesterday you turned two months old. You have been an amazingly well behaved and easy going baby. For that I am eternally grateful, and don’t think for a minute that I don’t truly appreciate it! It has made the transition to having two children a whole lot easier to handle. Your personality is pretty laid back, and allowing you the occasional scream session when you are strapped into your car seat but you would much rather be held (and who could blame you for THAT?!), you are incredibly portable. I can take you just about anywhere and you are happy to go with the flow. As long as you have a clean diaper and access to boob, you are one happy camper. So much in fact that we took you up to Mt. Hood for the first time today. You father and sister are obsessed with the snow and really wanted you to come along on the adventure. It was a nice quick trip and you did amazingly well. Even when we covered you in layers of fleece and made you pose for pictures in the snow.

Your sweet, mellow personality is very comforting. So much in fact, that everyone wants to be around you. Where ever you are, so are we. Your parents, your sister, even our pets. The dogs and cats have even taken to curling up in your room while you nap. The cats sleep on the rug or behind the chair and the dogs surround your crib. Two months old and you already have groupies.

Hadley's Guards
The only thing about you that isn’t particularly easy or fun is when you throw up. The quantity that you are able to expel from your body is quite impressive. I wouldn’t believe it was possible if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Quite frequently. The nice thing about it (if we must find a silver lining) is that it doesn’t seem to bother you in the slightest. You don’t fuss or cry. Or make any noise at all really. You just open your mouth and projectile vomit. Then look at us like, “Huh. So that’s why I was feeling a little weird.” Then calmly watch us while we frantically strip you (and often us) of the now soiled clothing and plop you straight in to the bath tub. And you loooove the bath. We joke that you just keep throwing up as an excuse to take another bath. If that is really the case, please know that I can give you a bath WITHOUT you puking first. I assure you.

The only one in our household not phased by the puking is Ana. (Probably because she has yet to be puked ON, but I digress…) I don’t think there is anything you could do for her to look at you with anything less than pure adoration. She loves you with every fiber of her being. Ana wants to be next to you, hugging you, kissing you, or tickling you at every waking moment. And you love it. You are constantly searching the room for your sister, offering up the smiles you save just for her. The bond between sisters is a special connection and I am so happy you have that with Ana.

It has been such an amazing month with you. You are smiling all the time now. You even smile with such enthusiasm and the cutest little gurgles that it almost, almost, could be considered giggling. I know you are going to be a talker because we are already having some intense “conversations” of coos and squeaks. I am trying not to look forward to all the things you WILL do, but enjoy the things you ARE doing. I know you will only be this small, this young, this innocent for a short time and I want to savor every minute of it. You have already changed so much in such a short time. Every day I wrap you in my arms, kiss the top of your head, breathe in your heavenly smell and tell you that I love you. So. Much. And I promise I will do that every day… for as long as you let me.

All my love,

A Letter: Four Years

Dear Ana,
A few days ago you turned four. You were a little confused by the fact that your birthday and your birthday party were not the same day. People kept asking you when your birthday was and you would hesitate and say, “my birthday is today, but my real birthday is on Saturday.” Apparently your birthday is not REAL unless you are surrounded by family, friends, presents, and cake. I guess that’s fair. So I delayed writing this letter until after your birthday party so I could include your “real birthday” in the recap.

For your birthday this year we had a carnival party. You are obsessed with having your face painted, so we found a face painter and decided on a carnival theme. We also had Penny’s Puppet’s come and she put on a fantastic puppet show about Myrna the Mermaid. You were in pure heaven. And then to top it off, you got to have cupcakes with sprinkles (another favorite of yours) and all your generous friends showered you with gifts. You, being the amazingly sweet girl that you are, made comments like “Oh this is just what I’ve always wanted!” and “I love it so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” with each gift you opened.

Aside from your birthday, the big news around here is that you are finally a Big Sister. A title you have adopted with nothing but pride and enthusiasm. You could not be more in love with Hadley. You are always checking on her, kissing her, hugging her, and asking if you can hold her. It is the sweetest thing ever. I am so happy that you have made the transition smoothly from being an only child to having to share everything with your little sister. Instead of feeling threatened or jealous, you share with her willingly and totally understand that you have to wait your turn from time to time. I am so proud of you and it’s made things really easy for all of us.

While your obsession with babies has now been focused exclusively on your little sister, the rest of your interests haven’t changed much over the last year. You are still in love with dance. So much, in fact, that I now have you in two classes a week. One class is “Pre-Ballet” and the other class is “Shuffle, Point, Swing” which covers tap, ballet, and jazz. I held out for as long as possible on introducing you to tap because I wasn’t excited about shoes with the exclusive purpose of making you louder, but we talked about it and you understand that you are only allowed to wear your tap shoes during class. Simple solution. And watching you dance is so cute, I’m glad I finally gave in and let you experience the different genres of dance.

You are also still obsessed with horses. We have done several horse related activities this year and each time I am more and more convinced that your horse fixation is going to be around for quite some time. After our last horse encounter, naturally you asked if you could have your own horse. Not wanting to give you an immediate, “NO!” and crush all your hopes and dreams, we decided to make a deal. When you are six, if you are still interested, you can start taking riding lessons. Then after several years of lessons, if you are still interested, we can look into leasing or possibly getting you a horse. It has held you over for now and that’s all I can ask. We’ve got to give you something to look forward to, right?

A new obsession this year is with your friend, Owen. While he has been your friend since birth (a lovely benefit of your mothers being such great friends), in the last few months you have decided that you are going to marry Owen. Thankfully, Owen is willing to go along with this plan. I think his willingness to do anything you say is part of the appeal of choosing him to be your future husband (a characteristic I wholeheartedly believe a husband should possess). While I think it’s adorable, you almost made your Grandpa Larry fall out of his chair when you introduced him to Owen saying, “Grandpa, this is Owen. I’m going to marry him some day.”

I have to take a moment to mention what a kind and thoughtful person you have become. You are so generous it often astounds me. Now I’m not talking about sharing toys (Don’t even get me started on the TWO play dates–with TWO different boys– that have ended in tears because we only have one damn Thomas train…that you NEVER play with.) because, let’s be honest, you are FOUR. No, I’m talking about always thinking of others. Like when there is one cookie left, you offer to split it with your daddy. And you always, ALWAYS give him the bigger piece. Kids your age just don’t think that way. They are way more likely to shove the entire cookie in their mouth without even thinking about it and barely grunting out so much as a “thank you” in return. But you are always polite, respectful, and considerate of those around you.

While the majority of the time you are sweet and wonderful, you do have a stubborn streak. Your dad just told me a story about what happened the other night when he was trying to get you to try some mashed potatoes. You kept insisting that you did not like them. He eventually said, “That’s fine, you don’t have to have any on your plate. But I just want you to try them.” You took a bite of his potatoes and said, “Yep, I don’t like mashed potatoes.” Later in the meal your dad had to get up from the table at which point you snuck over to his plate and started eating his potatoes. He came back to the table and caught you eating large spoonfuls of the very thing you just proclaimed to hate. He said, “I thought you didn’t like them.” And you, sticking to your guns, simply said, “I don’t.”

Well, my little love bug, it has been another fantastic year. I know I always say that the stage you are at right NOW is my favorite and that continues to be true. Every moment with you is better than the one before. I look forward to each and every day with honest enthusiasm because I know it’s another day I get to spend with you. I do not want to take anything for granted and I want to make sure we enjoy every day to the very fullest. Whether that’s spending the day in our pajamas curled up together on the couch watching episodes of iCarly or driving all over Portland looking for the next “hot spot” for kids. As long as we do it together, it will be perfect. I love seeing the world through your eyes. Not only because it keeps me young, but because everything is beautiful, fresh, and fascinating. Just like you.

All my love,

A Letter: One Month

Dear Hadley,
Today you are one month old. And it has been an amazing month. I’ve loved you from the moment I found out I was having you, but on the day you were born I swear my heart doubled in size. I had no idea it was possible to love you even more than I did already. Just to be able to hold you in my arms and look into your eyes made it one of the best days of my life.

My beautiful bright eyed daughter
Adding you to our family has been one of the best things we ever did. Suddenly everything is perfect. And not only because I have a thing for even numbers (having TWO girls is just bonus!) but because you make everyone around you so happy. Your big sister, Ana, in particular. From the moment she met you in the hospital it was love at first sight. Sure, she loved you while you were in my tummy, but that was a little surreal for a four year old. She tells me almost everyday, “Mom, I am so glad Hadley is here in real life.”

You are an amazingly easy going baby. You eat, sleep, and poop like a pro. And you are the Best. Snuggler. EVER. Your favorite thing to do is fall asleep snuggled up against my chest. To be honest, it’s one of my favorite things to do with you. I can feel your warm breath on my neck, rub my cheek along the smooth hair on top of your head, and surround myself with your amazing baby smell. Hands down the best thing about having a baby is that I get those cuddles every single day.

Back to being a good eater; you are amazing. In fact, you were latched on and nursing within the first 10 minutes of your life. You pretty much consider any time you are awake and NOT eating, time wasted. Otherwise how would you keep up your massively chubby cheeks and multiple chins? You have gained weight like a champ and, while I could take some of the credit for the excessive milk production, it’s really all because my body has to keep up with you. Supply and demand, baby.

Your eating habits can only be rivaled by your strength. When you were in the womb, I knew you were going to be strong. You don’t kick so hard you take your mama’s breath away if you aren’t going to be one strong baby. You are already holding up your head with the skills of a baby double or even triple your age. We took you in to have your newborn photos taken when you were only eight days old and instead of slouching over in a typical newborn pose, you kept trying to lift your head up and look around the room. I can already tell that you are going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?

Oh my sweet Hadley, we are going to have so much fun together. Having already been raising a little girl for the past four years, I am a pro at fairy tales and nursery rhymes, ballerinas and princesses, playing dress-up and restaurant. But I would be more than willing to improve my skills in any area of interest you desire. Whether it’s perfecting your soccer skills or learning about dinosaurs or playing piano. I would be happy to do it all alongside you. It’s our adventure, my dear, and it’s just getting started. I can’t wait to see where this amazing journey takes us. But you know what? It really doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with you.

Great big smiles for Mama!

All my love,

My Little Ballerina

Ana had another ballet recital today (the last day of her “Tip Toes” Ballet class is always a “recital” performed on the stage). It amazes me how well she is doing in her ballet class. I know she has been doing it for a year and a half, but she’s only three! Heck, I couldn’t do half the things she does. She is so comfortable up on a stage or in front of a crowd, that I can definitely see performing in her future. But more than anything, I love seeing the happiness on her face when she dances. It just warms my heart.

You can see all the pictures from Ana’s “recital” here. Enjoy!

A Letter: Thirty-six Months

Dear Ana,
Last week you turned three. THREE. I don’t even know how it happened. I know it’s a total cliché, but it seems like you were just born yesterday. Yet it’s almost impossible to remember life without you in it. But why would I want to? Ever since you were born my life has had meaning and purpose. Before I was just going through the motions and now I get to be ANA’S MOM. I could not be more proud to carry that title.

Now that you are a three year old, we have noticed several little “disturbances” in your otherwise mellow personality. Now every little thing that happens is either the BEST thing that has ever happened to you [insert high-pitched squeal here] or it is the equivalent of having one of your limbs removed. With dull scissors. Basically you are an emotional roller coaster of unpredictability. This is nothing new to you, however, as you are constantly telling us about your current emotional state wearing your mood rings. You are always saying overly dramatic things like, “you hurt my feelings! That breaks my heart!” or “when Daddy talks to me I burst into tears!”

Yet, you can be the sweetest thing ever. You have so much love in your heart that you can’t bear to keep it to yourself. You are always whispering, “I have a new secret…I love you forever and ever and always.” Or shouting, “I love you!” to all of our friends and family. You are filled with compassion and honest sincerity that is so refreshing in someone your age. When you apologize, you say things like, “I’m sorry I was bad earlier. I’m sorry we were having a fight.” Or, “I’m sorry for being mean. Can we be friends again?”

Something that isn’t new, or shocking in the least, is that you are still totally obsessed with babies. There isn’t a day that goes by when you don’t ask me if you can have a baby sister or brother. It breaks my heart to see how hopeful you get when we are talking with one of our numerous pregnant friends and you overhear us discussing babies. You ask, “Mama, are you gonna have a baby now?” Then I say, “No, sweetie. She is going to have a baby.” You always reply, “But Mama, I want you to have a baby in your belly.” I know, Ana. Me too.

Babies have been quite the topic around here lately and, naturally, you are getting caught up in it as well. You are insistent that I am going to have a baby SOON. Scratch that, you think I am going to have BABIES. Plural. You keep talking about how I am going to have a boy AND a girl. Then you are quick to explain to me “that means twins, Mama.” I am convinced that you got this idea from Dora, because when she became a big sister her Mami had twins. Yep, you guessed it: a boy and a girl. So I think it’s entertaining and cute. Your Daddy, on the other hand, is terrified.

I didn’t think it was possible, but in the last month you have gotten even more girly. You are always putting on lip gloss in the vanity mirror, pretending to do your make-up or donning some fancy dress-up outfit. Your room is filled with princesses and fairies, crowns and tiaras (you informed me those are, in fact, different), necklaces and bracelets, and every little thing a tiny princess requires in her royal chambers.

We have a battle every morning about what you are going to wear that day and it always starts with you saying, “I want to wear a dress…with no sleeves, no pants, no socks and no shoes.” And since it is practically winter (last week we had temperature in the TEENS! It was BELOW freezing!) I am forced to remind you that you must wear some type of clothing covering every part of your body. I am partial to letting you pick out your dress and then having you add leggings/pants/tights and a sweater/jacket. But even this can become a battle of the wills. In fact, this morning you cried for five minutes because I made you wear leggings under your dress. Your reason why you shouldn’t have to wear pants? Because, and I quote, “Taylor Swift doesn’t wear pants!!”

Last weekend we had your big birthday party. We had it at Westside Dance and Gymnastics Academy. It was a great party and you got to spend the entire time bouncing around, surrounded by all your best friends and family. It was the ultimate day for you, which was exactly the point. To make the day more special, I let you help me pick out all the decorations and your cake. Naturally, you picked the Disney Princess decorations and requested that I make you a Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) cake. After scouring the Internet for inspiration, and the baking and party stores for supplies, with your Father’s help, I made your dream a reality. All the hard work paid off when I saw the look of awe and wonder in your eyes. For that moment, I was Supermom and I could make all your dreams come true. I promise, as long as you keep looking at me like that, I will do my best to never let you down.

Oh my sweet little princess. What else is there to say? There are only so many ways I can tell you that you are amazing. Intelligent. Wonderful. Beautiful. You never fail to make me smile. Like when I walk into a room to discover a huge mess and when I ask you about it, you say, “I think my brother did it.” I can’t be mad at you, but instead I laugh out loud at your creativity and then we work together to clean up the disaster. Thank you for always giving me good-night kisses, for whispering “I love you, Mama” in my ear, for wrapping your arms around my neck in a hug that never fails to takes my breath away. Thank you for helping me look forward to each day, for causing me to get out of bed every morning with a smile, for making me laugh until I cry. Thank you for making the last three years the best years of my life. I love you, Ana.

All my love,