A Letter: One Month

Dear Ana,
Today you are officially one month old. It is so strange, because it seems like you have always been with us. I can hardly remember what life was like before you were born, and quite frankly, I don’t want to. You have changed my life in the most amazing way possible. Your father and I were talking the other day about how when we announced we were pregnant with you other parents would look at each other, smile knowingly, and tell us we had no idea what we were in for. But I have to tell you, Ana, you are exactly what we were hoping for.

I wanted to thank you for being such an amazingly well behaved baby. You sleep, eat, and poop like a champ and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You eat every three hours during the day and only wake up once during the night for your feeding. When I was pregnant with you I would have little bouts of insomnia where I would wake up each night around 3am and lay awake for an hour or two. I now know that was just your little way of letting me know in advance what your schedule was going to be. So thank you for forewarning me and allowing me to adapt to your schedule. You are just so considerate of your mama.

Have I mentioned how happy I am that you are such a great sleeper? Because it is one of my favorite things about you. When you were less than a week old your Uncle Greg asked me how we got you to sleep in your crib, to which I replied, “that’s where we put her.” I was adamant about you sleeping in your own crib, in your own room. (When you are older you can thank me for teaching you about being independent.) But I have to admit the majority of the credit should go to you, because you are simply wonderful that way.

The question we get asked most, after “does she let you sleep at night,” is how you get along with the cats and dogs. My resounding answer is that you all get along great. The cats mostly like you because you brought fabulous places for them to sleep into the house: the swing, the bassinet, the changing table. And the dogs truly love you. Ellie likes to smell your little head and curl up at my feet when I hold you. But Molly loves you most of all. She cannot stand for you to cry and instantly runs over to check that you are ok and to make sure your daddy and I are taking care of you. She loves to lick your little hands and feet and rests her head alongside your tiny body when I nurse you. I always knew the dogs would love you, but the shocking thing is that you also love them. You coo when they lick you, stare into their big brown eyes, and don’t even flinch when their excited tails whack you in the head.

Already you have changed so much since we brought you home from the hospital. You have recently started making the most adorable little coos and squeaks. I hear you in the car seat or in your crib, just cooing away, absorbing everything and enjoying your surroundings. And you smile all the time. I don’t know how many of them are real smiles or just gas, but they are smiles just the same and I will take them any way I can get them.

Little Miss, I simply cannot wait for all the things I get to share with you and teach you. I can’t wait to see your face when you feel sand between your toes for the first time, to cheer for you when you take your first step, and to help you back up when you fall down moments later. I promise to teach you how to read, how to braid your hair, and how to make amazing chocolate chip cookies. I promise to do all that and so much more, but only if you promise to help me learn to relax, to remember to be silly, and to enjoy each and every moment to the very fullest.

All my love,

Cuteness Request

I had a request this morning from Carole for some more baby pictures. Not wanting to disappoint, here ya go. I like to call this one “Momma gets to take a shower.”

Here is Ana’s signature facial expression when confronted with a camera. I assume she is thinking something along the lines of “Woman please. I am trying to enjoy sitting here and you keep flashing that thing in my face.” We are currently working on this.

And just to prove I can still take pictures of things other than my baby, here is my silly cat Frodo. I guess this was his way of helping me put the Christmas decorations away. Yeah.

And last but not least, Simeon, Ana, and I all went to Miss Lindsay’s Princess Birthday Party yesterday. I cannot believe she is already three years old. Wow. And is she not just the cutest thing ever?

There pictures I took are either in the Lindsay’s 3rd Birthday gallery or the Ana Misc gallery. Enjoy.

Happy Math

When I was pregnant with Ana, I got very accustom to stepping on the scale each week, but I haven’t weighed in since the Monday before she was born. I figured since Ana is three weeks old today, it was time I confronted the scale. I was very happy to see the numbers stop climbing a surprising 27 pounds below my last weigh in. That’s right: TWENTY-SEVEN POUNDS. So according to my math, that means I am officially 21 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. How freakin’ cool is that?! And I got an adorable little girl outta the whole ordeal to boot! Wahooo!!

Christmas Wrap-Up

Well, Ana’s first Christmas was a success. I tell ya, this little girl has been to more parties and social gatherings in the 18 days since her birth than I could ever have imagined. I guess that’s a perk of being born during the holidays; there is always a party somewhere! She behaved like a complete angel and doesn’t even mind being passed around from one person to the next.

In true holiday spirit, I got to dress Ana in an adorable red velvet dress (complete with matching bloomers!) and the cutest “Mary Jane” tights. Come on, what good is a little girl if you can’t dress her up??

All in all, we had a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and friends. Who could ask for anything more? All the pictures we took are up in the Christmas Day gallery. Hope you all had a fabulous holiday as well!

2 Week Doctors Appt

Ana had her two-week doctors appointment today. I can’t believe it has already been two weeks! It seems like she has always been with us. Anyway, here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 21 1/2″ (90th percentile)
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz (70th percentile)
Head: 37 cm (50th percentile)

Ana had the routine PKU test, and the doctor told us she has a blocked tear duct (totally normal for infants, we just need to wipe it clean every once in awhile). Oh and a little dry skin from the combination of dry winter air and running the natural gas to heat the house. Other than that, there is nothing else to report. We have a healthy, happy little girl.

A Christmas First

Not wanting Ana to miss out on any Christmas traditions, we took her to see Santa Claus the other day. She was very good and just gazed lovingly up at him. (I assume we can save the tears and screaming for next years picture!) She told him she has been a very good girl this year, but doesn’t really want much as she is quite happy with the boob she already has at home.

A few more pictures are here.

What a Week!

The concept of time has totally eluded me this week. I have no idea where all the days, hours and minutes have gone. All I know is that Ana is now a week old. A whole entire week. This just baffles me.

Not to brag, but Ana is the most amazing baby. When it comes to eating, she is a champ. This kid would eat 24-7 if I let her. But mostly we stick to every three hours or so. And then there is the sleeping. Now I don’t want to jinx myself here, but she is a fabulous sleeper. We go to bed around 10 or 11pm, get up to eat for an hour around 3am, then get up to face the day around 8am. I got nothin’ to complain about here. My daughter is an angel. And a cutie to boot!

There are more pictures in the Ana’s First Week gallery. I must admit I am ashamed of my lack of picture taking. I keep forgetting to grab my camera because I am just so damn busy staring into her gorgeous blue eyes. But how could you blame me?

More Amazing Than I Ever Imagined

Wow. All I can say is the last several days have been the most wonderful and amazing days of my life. I have been moved and touch by my new daughter in ways I never could have imagined. I just cannot stop gazing into her eyes, tickling her toes and smelling the top of her head. I know I am a little biased, but I think she is the most beautiful, perfect thing I have ever seen. I apologize for the delay in blogging and uploading the pictures, but Ana has cast a spell over me that prevents my mind from thinking about anything but her. Thank you for being patient, I promise they are totally worth the wait.

There are tons of pictures and for lack of creativity, I am naming them according to the day of her life: Ana’s Birth, Ana’s 2nd Day, and Ana’s 3rd Day. Enjoy and rest assure, there will be many more to follow! She is just too cute not to follow around with a camera.