A Letter: Nine Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you are nine months old. And what a busy month this has been! You are learning so much so fast, I’m having a hard time keeping track of all your accomplishments. But the big news of the month happened only this afternoon: you are officially crawling.

Crawling was such an exciting milestone, simply because you have been working on it for SO LONG. You’ve had the physical ability for awhile now, but you just didn’t know you could do it. Then you were actually doing it, but I don’t think you even realized it. You would crawl forward a few inches, but would get frustrated (or distracted) and stop to sit down, putting you further back than where you started. So today I saw you going for it and I managed to get out my phone and recorded you crawling across the hall to your sister… and the unicorn pillow pet she was using as bait.

Another thing you mastered this month was learning to use a straw. You are obsessed with water bottles and so it was only a matter of time before you finally figured out how to use one. You started by chewing on my Camelbak and once I realized you were figuring out the bite valve, I bought you your own learn-to-drink-from-a-straw sippy cup. It has a cool feature where a parent can gently squeeze the cup and brings the liquid to the top of the straw so you can taste what is inside. And that was all it took. You sucked on the straw, your eyes got really wide with glee, and that was it. You were hooked.

Another thing that makes you exceptionally happy is reading books with Daddy. Every night after bath time, you two curl up on our bed and read a few books. You get so excited, listening to your Dad reading, and touching all the textures on the pages, you can hardly contain your enthusiasm as he turns each page.

One of the things that has NOT been fun this month is teething. I still cannot see, or even feel, a single tooth, but the symptoms are certainly there. You are biting every thing you can fit in your mouth, drooling all over, and you have even spiked a few unexplained high fevers. I feel so bad when you look up at me with those sad, pleading eyes. Don’t worry, sweet girl, it will all be over soon enough.

Involving your mouth, but with much more entertainment and less pain, is you learned to stick out your tongue. It all started when we were at the Wings and Waves water park. I think you discovered the taste of chlorine on your lips and you kept darting your tongue in and out. But once we were back home (and chlorine free) you did it again while you were eating and discovered you could lick your lips. It was the cutest thing, but as it is hard to feed you with your tongue sticking out, it’s probably not the best skill to practice during meal time.

Speaking of meal time, you use to be our very predictable eater, everything we gave you you simply accepted and gobbled up. But things have changed recently. I’m sure some of it has to do with teething and some of it was the hot weather we have had, but most of it has to do with finger foods. Once you discovered you could actually feed yourself, you are less and less inclined to eat the purees we feed you on a spoon. I’m having to start getting creative with your meals to keep you happy…and fed! But as you are still a champion nurser, there isn’t any risk of you going hungry any time soon!

Aside from the teething frustration and the eating complications, you are such a happy little girl. I just love this age because every little thing is new and exciting. All we have to do is show you something you haven’t seen before and any fussing or crying screeches to a halt as you happily examine the new object. You are so content to explore the world around you and discover every little thing that it brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

One of your favorite discoveries happened just the other day. You had woken up from your nap, and I could hear you happily chatting away in your crib, so I didn’t come pick you up right away. Then I heard a loud bang and, thinking you had somehow fallen out of your crib, I ran up the stairs to your room only to find you smiling up at me. You were having so much fun you kicked your legs and discovered you could donkey kick the wall of the crib. You kept doing it over and over and you thought it was just the funniest thing ever. In the future, I’d appreciate it if the things you get so much joy out of were things less likely to give your mama a heart attack. Thanks.

As you get bigger and stronger, your Daddy (who is in charge of the nightly bath time) has been letting you and Ana take baths together more and more. This delights you both to no end. There is very little that your sister does that does not just make you shriek with delight. And it goes both way too. It gets to the point where you are both in the tub just giggling and laughing so much I often have to come up and see just what is so funny! I am so happy that you and your sister can share these special times together…and that you occasionally let your father and I just sit back and observe.

Since you have obviously been getting quite the control over your physical abilities, we decided that you were finally ready for your very first Gymboree class. Ana, as a Gymboree “graduate,” was so excited to share it all with you and she didn’t want to miss watching you experience it all for the first time. So Daddy, Ana and I all went with you and it was every bit as amazing as we remembered. I loved watching your eyes light up with each new discovery and seeing you giggle as we sang and danced to the silly songs. I am so happy that we are able to do these fabulous things with you and help you enrich your life in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine yet.

Oh, Hadley, we have been having so much fun together, it’s hard to tie it up with a nice pretty bow. It would take a myriad of ribbons of different textures and colors to even begin to describe all the things that make you so special. All I know is that you are one amazing child and I just love that I am able to stay home with you so I don’t have to miss one single moment of watching you become the person you are going to be. Because I know that you are going to be spectacular.

All my love,

Houston, we have a crawler!

To celebrate that she is NINE months old today, Miss Hadley decided she would officially become a CRAWLER!

She’s been slowing getting it over the last few days, but today was her first long stretch of crawling! She had been crawling a few inches then would stop and sit down, putting her back further than where she started. So, understandably, she got a little frustrated and didn’t try too hard. But once she built up a little more confidence (plus a little sisterly motivation) and didn’t give up, SHE DID IT. My baby is now mobile. Let the baby-proofing begin!

Wings and Waves

Today we drove out to McMinnville to check out the new Wings and Waves Waterpark at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.

Yep. That's a real 747.
Wings and Waves, baby!!
As soon as you walk through the main doors you are IN the waterpark. From the leisure pool (with a water Vortex, basketballs hoops, and a hot tub), to the Oregon forest themed play structure (with three kid-sized slides, a 300 gallon dump bucket, and lots more guns, buckets, and valves) and “Splashdown Harbor” the 91,000 gallon wave pool (with varying wave patterns and underwater bubblers). Oh and we can’t forget the four water slides that come out of the giant 747 on the roof! Sonic Boom (the yellow slide) is a great beginner slide, but still fast and exciting. Tail Spin (the blue slide) has figure eight banking curves but the real thrill is that the majority of the slide is in total darkness! Nose Dive (the green slide) has some steep drops and fast turns and ultimately drop you (around and around and around) in a huge funnel. The final slide, the Mach 1 (the orange slide), is the only slide you have to be over 48″ to ride and cannot go on a tube (the other slides can be done on a single or double tube and you only have to be 42″). I personally didn’t go on this one, but our friends found it wildly entertaining with a face full of water at the end.

Water slides, whirlpool and hot tub.
Water slides, seating areas, and snack bar.

Ana’s personal favorite is the wave pool. She puts on a life jacket and swims, body surfs, and floats around in the water like a little fish. The waves are really strong closer to the “shore” so as soon as the alarm that indicates the waves are coming sounds, we head to deeper water where the waves are still strong and rolling but don’t crash down on you and leave you choking on water. Then once the waves come to a stop, watch out for the bubblers that spontaneously erupt volcanoes of underwater bubbles!

Ana's favorite: the wave pool!
Someone is ready to swim!

Despite the fact that we went on a weekday, there were several school buses in the parking lot which resulted in longer lines for the waterslides, so we played in the wave pool and the leisure pool between slides to break things up. After trying everything Ana could go on at least twice (Sim and I took turns walking around with Hadley or letting her splash around in the warmer leisure pool) we ended with a soak in the hot tub. Then we decided to get cleaned up (they have several family bathrooms!) and go check out the water museum.

The H20 Museum was like a mini OMSI. It was very hands-on and perfect for children (and grown-up children too) to explore and experiment while learning. We walked in the door and Ana made a beeline for the submarine.

Driving a submarine
Then played around with a periscope.

Looking in the periscope
She even sailed a boat down the Columbia River from the mountains, over the Bonneville Dam, and all the way down to the Astoria Bridge.

Sailing her boat under the Astoria bridge
Then she played with a wave machine that showed how waves start in the ocean, react with buoys, and finally crash onto the shore.

Learning about waves
Then we got to see what happens when water is a gas…

"Water as a gas"
…and when it turns solid.

"Water as a solid"
She loved exploring the space shuttles and lunar rovers. There were lots of buttons to push and simulators to test.

Exploring a space shuttle
Peeking out of the space shuttle
Inside a lunar rover
And finally she did some astronaut training and checked to see how she “measured up.”

Training to be an astronaut
Seeing how she measures up
All in all, we had a great time. It’s definitely worth the trip, and it’s a total bonus that it’s only an hour drive. At $25-30 per person, the admission price is a bit steep, but it is very nice that you can just make a day of it. We were there for about five hours and never had a chance to get bored. In fact, we would have stayed longer if we weren’t all getting tired and hungry. Our final thoughts? TWO THUMBS UP!!

A Letter: Eight Months

Dear Hadley,
Yesterday you turned eight months old. As I write this letter, you are currently upstairs taking a nap. Moments ago you looked up at me, gave me a smile that melted my heart, and then closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. And that pretty much sums you up right now. You are a very easy baby and an incredibly happy child.

You love nothing more than being surrounded by your family. Literally. You love being in the center of everything that is going on. Whenever we are sitting on the couch just hanging out you twist, scoot, and wriggle yourself into the middle so you can be touching as many of us as possible. And from what I’ve witnessed, there isn’t a single person in this family complaining about that! You have such a happy personality that everyone is just drawn to you.

Mobility, or your lack there of, is your biggest irritation at this time. You are trying SO hard to crawl. It’s actually pretty entertaining to watch. First you get into “plank” position…

Then you get up on your knees and rock for a bit…

Then after you have scooted around backwards for a bit, you finally give up in frustration. But don’t worry. You will figure it out eventually and when that time comes, there won’t be anything holding you back!

During the last month we took a little mini vacation up to Seattle and to Great Wolf Lodge. This was your very first time to leave the state! Wahoo for Washington! We had a great time visiting our friends and then playing at the water park. While you typically love water (bath water, drinking water, you aren’t picky) you were more impressed with the wristbands than playing in the water. Having a chew toy literally attached to your body was the best entertainment ever. I’d consider picking up some for every day, if it weren’t for all the drool that came with it.

Over the 4th of July weekend, we visited our family in Seaside and you finally got to meet your Uncle Greg and his family. It took them so long to meet you because they live in Arizona, so we were ecstatic that they came up here to visit. You were very happy to see him because you have a great fondness for big guys with a beard and glasses.

Since you are pretty dedicated to your 8pm bedtime, we opted out of going and watching fireworks this year. But we did do a few of our own at home. You weren’t exactly sure what was going on. There was a lot of noise and smoke and occasionally some pretty lights. All you knew was that your sister was happy, so that made you happy.

The other big news this month is that we recently introduced you to finger foods. This pleased you immensely. We figured since eating came so naturally to you, you would probably do pretty well with some food you could feed yourself. And we could not have been more right. You have been desperately trying to grab food off our plates, with little success, so you were quite shocked when we handed you a teething biscuit. As with everything else you come into contact with these days, it went straight to your mouth. Then your eyes lit up with delight when you realized it was something you could EAT! You sucked, chewed, and gummed it all up, only gagging a couple times, until there was nothing left. Pretty impressive for a first try!

As I’m sure is the case with most younger siblings, you want to be wherever your big sister is, doing whatever she is doing. I can already tell that you two are going to be thick as thieves when you grow up. Ana tells me on a regular basis how much she loves being your big sister and I can tell by the way you light up when she walks in the room that you love being her little sister.

Hadley, I just love you so much. I feel like saying those words is going to start to lose it’s meaning because I can’t help but tell you all the time. There are just so many things I love about you. I love the way you lay your head on my chest when you get tired. I love the way you stretch and stick your little belly out every time I set you on the changing table. I love the way your hair tickles my chin when you sit on my lap. I love the way you lunge forward, like a striking cobra, when you try to grab something. I love the way you wiggle from side to side in your car seat when you get excited. I love the way you laugh and the magical effect it has on our entire family. I love the way you rest your hand on my face when you look into my eyes. And these are just a few of the things I love about you. I could go on and on listing all the little things you do that make you amazing and special and absolutely perfect in every way, but that’s what the rest of our lives are for. I will spend every moment loving you and all that you are with all of my heart.

All my love,

Water Kid

Sim was playing around with some of the video footage we shot using our new GoPro HD Hero 960 video camera (which we took turns wearing on the head strap around Great Wolf Lodge) and made this “movie trailer” using iMovie. It is pure awesomeness. Behold:

The Great Wolf Surprise

We started out our trip to Seattle with our traditional picture on the hotel bed.

Then took a few minutes to admire the view…

And enjoy our little family in our beautiful hotel room.

While we were in Seattle, we made our way through a list of things we HAD to do. Visit our friends, Ryan, Ciara, and Juniper. See the Space Needle/Wheedle on the Needle. And of course, eat the homemade donuts at Lola. Once we finished those items, we were free to continue on with Phase Two of our little mini vacation. We told Ana we were heading home. Along the way, I said I needed to stop and use the bathroom. When we pulled over, this is what happened:

Yep. We planned a one night stay at the Great Wolf Lodge.

So we got to do another hotel bed picture.

Then the girls were ready to hit the pool.

Ana was super excited because she grew since the last time we visited GWL and she could go on more of the areas in the water park. Like the Big Foot Pass obstacle course…

and riding the family-size raft down the River Canyon Run.

I think Ana’s favorite thing was swimming around in the giant wave pool.

Hadley had a great time watching all the chaos of the water park.

Then we saved some time to play MagiQuest.

While Hadley snoozed in the Baby Bjorn.

Eventually all good things come to an end and we had to leave. But we had another amazing time at Great Wolf Lodge and cannot wait to go back again! You can see all the pictures here and here.

The Newest Karate Kid

Last week Ana had her first “Lil Dragon” karate class. She has been obsessed with karate ever since we made the mistake of letting her watch The Karate Kid (I have to give it to her, Ralph Macchio can be very persuasive.) She kept talking about karate so when I found the class in the THPRD summer activities guide I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for her to give it a try.

We signed up for the class with Ayden and Owen, who are also obsessed with martial arts (though I suspect, it has less to do with Ralph Macchio).

The teacher allowed us to stay in and watch the first class so we got to observe the “Lil Dragons” in action.

They started warming up with drills.

(My sweet girl reminding me she loves me by blowing me a kiss.)

They did some kicks.

Then did some jumps.

And wrapped up with some stretches.

Ana had a fun time and keeps asking when she gets to go back to class again. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the session progresses. You can see all the pictures here.

A Letter: Seven Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you turn seven months old. It has been such a busy and exciting month for you. You have had so many milestones, firsts, and things going on, that it is almost hard to know where to begin. All I know is that it has been so much fun watching you conquer the world around you.

I guess if I had to start somewhere, the big news this month is that you started solid food. You are an amazing eater. Regardless of what we are feeding you or how much you like it (Carrots are your favorite. Peas are not.) you will always open your mouth for another bite. You even manage to (mostly) keep your hands out of the way, so you stay relatively clean as you eat your meals (which delights me to no end). You don’t like to play with your food. To you, meal time is NOT play time. You get down to business and I could not be happier about it.

You have also finally mastered sitting up, and you now do it like a pro. Unless you get overly excited about something or you get knocked over by one of our animals (or a “helpful” older sister), I can pretty much guarantee when I set you down in a seated position, you will be in the same spot when I return.

However, if I set you down on your tummy, all bets are off! You have started scooting…backwards. It frustrates you to no end that you try and try AND TRY to move forward but you are constantly stuck in reverse. A lot of the time this results in you getting stuck under various pieces of furniture.

A few weeks ago we took you to the beach for the first time. Not just to the coast (where a lot of our family lives) but to the actual BEACH. Sand and all. It was a pretty nice day so we decided to venture out and let you take it all in. We set you down and you immediately reached down with both hands and ran your fingers through the sand. Before we knew it, you were covering your legs with sand and wiggling around in delight.

Almost as shocking as your reaction to sand, was your reaction to grass. When we set you down directly on the lawn for the first time instead of recoiling in shock at the spiky new texture, you reached down with both hands and grabbed it by the fistfuls. It was everything we could do to keep you from tearing all the grass right out of the ground! It never ceases to amaze me how fearless you are of new things. Nothing takes you by surprise and very rarely does anything even bother you.

In the same trip to the beach, we let you sit up in the stroller for the very first time. During our Stroller Strides classes, I still have you snuggled in to your car seat in the stroller (so you are more secure AND so you are more likely to fall asleep), but for this adventure we wanted you to be alert and able to see everything around you. You didn’t seem to care too much about this new seating arrangement… you were more concerned with the array of straps and buckles you had yet to taste.

Another very exciting thing happened this month: your Grandpa Larry held you for the very first time. This may seem like an odd thing to have happen seven months into your life, but my Dad isn’t too keen on holding the little babies (he says that is what Grandma’s are for) but he has a great time rough-housing with his grandchildren once they are a little less, uh, fragile. So when he swooped down and picked you up off the couch the other day, it broke my heart just a little bit to acknowledge how quickly you are growing up.

With your ever increasing physical abilities and interests in the world around you, the options to keep you entertained are expanding all the time. While we were playing outside the other day you were eying our Cozy Coupe. I looked at it, looked and you, and thought, “Why not?” So I plopped you inside the car and watched your eyes go wide with delight when within a matter of minutes you were not only sitting up in the car, but you started moving it (backwards, of course!) with your tiny feet. Have I told you lately that you are still suppose to be a baby? Because I am not ready for you to be a KID just yet.

Ana is also thoroughly enjoying that you can do more things so she can FINALLY play with you. Right now she is finding the most success playing food related games (restaurant, tea party, etc.) because everything she gives you goes straight into your mouth. She is much more accepting of this fact when you are shoving a plate or cup into your mouth rather than one of her La La Loopsy dolls.

It has been such a fabulous month with you. I love watching you experience things for the first time. I love the way you smile every time you see me. And I even love it when you cry when I set you down because I know that it is just your way of telling me that you love me and you need me. I know that I may not always be the most important person in your world, but at this moment I am and for that I am eternally grateful.

All my love,

Preschool Graduation

On Thursday Ana graduated from her 3’s Preschool class. All the parents and siblings were invited to the school to watch the children graduate and celebrate after with a little picnic.

During the program the kiddos sang a few songs they had been practicing.

Finally it was Ana’s turn to “walk across the bridge” which symbolized them progressing from one year to the next.

Ana’s teachers said a few nice things about each child and explained the word they selected to describe them. Ana’s word was “confident” and anyone that knows her would not be surprised by their choice.

All the children in the 3’s class, along with Teacher Valerie and Teacher Patty posed for a celebratory group photo.

Ana was so excited about the entire day and we could not be more proud of her accomplishments. Now our big decision is whether we should have her go into the 4’s class or skip her ahead to the Pre-K class. Decisions, decisions. Either way, my little girl is growing up way too fast!

You can see all the pictures here.