22 Week Belly

Ready for your weekly dose of belly? Ready or not, here is the 22 week belly shot.

I feel as big as a house. Can you believe I have only gained one pound? I’m HUGE. It is just one solid baby bump. With as active as this little girl is, it will only be a matter of time before other people can feel her kicks and flips. I’ll give her this, she is one fierce little girl.

As always, any pictures of Baby Bateman 2.0 will be collected here.

The Enchanted Forest

This morning Sim, Ana, and I loaded up in the car and drove south of Salem to the Enchanted Forest. We met some of our friends who drove up from Bend and we all had a great time as we walked through the Storybook Lane, rode on some fun rides, and even watched “Hansel and Gretel” at the comedy theater.

You can see all the pictures from our fun day here.

Doctor’s Appointment Report

I had my 22 week (rounding up again, since I will be 22 weeks on Sunday) doctor’s appointment this morning and have this to report back:

Weight: down 6 lb since last month (1 lb total gain)
Blood Pressure: 112/78
Baby’s Heartbeat: Normal, in the 160s

Today’s appointment was primarily to review the ultrasound I had on Tuesday. Everything looked great: good placenta placement, no shortening of the cervix, baby’s anatomy looks great and everything appears to be developing right on schedule. There were a couple things they couldn’t see on the ultrasound, so the doctor I saw today (not my doctor because she was on vacation this week) scheduled a follow-up ultrasound in four weeks (August 6th). I went through the same thing with Ana (those stubborn daughters of mine!) but I don’t mind getting another peak at my growing baby!

When it was time to ask questions, I brought up the topic of the glucose test. Not because I want to have it, but I was under the impression that since I had gestational diabetes before that I would be tested for GD earlier in this pregnancy. Since the test is normally done between 24-28 weeks, and I am already practically 22 weeks, that “earlier” window is pretty much, well, NOW. I mentioned that I have been trying to eat according to my pregnancy diet, but with all the morning sickness I had, there were some days when I was lucky to keep anything down, let alone be picky about my carb intake. But I have been trying to check my blood sugar from time to time (it’s something I do even when I’m not pregnant, since I am now at a higher risk for Type II diabetes) and everything has been normal. She said that I have been doing everything I am suppose to, and so she wasn’t worried, but still gave me the option of taking the test immediately. Since I was in NO rush to torture myself today, we set the appointment for July 29th. They also prefer that I fast for 2-3 hours before the test, so she was fine scheduling the glucose test for a later date.

Then when I finished up scheduling the ultrasound and my glucose test, the nice lady offered to set up my appointments for the REST OF MY PREGNANCY. It’s so bizarre to think how quickly all this is happening. Before you know it, I will have TWO daughters. Can you believe it??

The Big Ultrasound for Baby Bateman 2.0

This afternoon Sim, Ana, and I went to the BIG ultrasound for Baby Bateman 2.0. Ana was very happy to be included in everything and was even more excited when our very sweet ultrasound tech told her what the baby was and then Ana got to be the one to tell us. We thought it was only fitting that Ana also be the one to tell all of you:

The ultrasound went great and it looks like everything is developing and growing as it should. We were able to see all the parts and pieces and everything looked perfect. She (it’s just SO nice to be able to use pronouns!!) was very active and wiggling around a ton during the appointment so some of the pictures we took what we could get. They can’t all be posed, right?

Anyway, here are the pictures of our littlest daughter:

And here is the picture the tech took, just for Ana of her baby sister:

As always, any pictures of Baby Bateman 2.0 will be collected here.

Sand, Sparklers, S’mores, & Snuggles

We went to Seaside for the 4th of July festivities this year. We enjoyed the small town parade, hung out with our families and spent the time leading up to the fireworks camped out on the beach. The kiddos (we went with our friends, the Whislers, so Ana was able to play with “her boyfriends” Ayden and Owen) played in the sand for hours on end. We roasted marshmallows, enjoyed some s’mores and hung out until the fireworks lit up the sky. It was a great holiday!

You can see all the pictures from our 4th of July here.

My Lil’ Roller Derby Queen

Alternately titled, “Baby’s Got Some New Wheels!”

The other day Sim, Ana, and I stopped by the sporting goods store to check out some skates. Sim was interested in the in-line variety and Ana just wanted to be included. So we picked up a new pair of Rollerblades for Sim and some pretty purple roller skates for Ana. We also grabbed the required safety gear (safety first!) and they were really to, well, roll.

Is she not the cutest thing ever?!

Ana’s First “Shuffle, Point, Swing” Class

Today Ana started her first “Shuffle, Point, Swing” (an intro to tap, ballet, jazz and a little hip hop) class. She has been eager for this class to start since I signed her up for it months ago. And the class did not disappoint! Teacher Katie, amazing as always, has the ability to mesmerize a class full of three year old girls and somehow teaches them how to become graceful little dancers. Since parents only get to sit in on the first and last class, I was sure to bring my camera today so I could share it with all of you.

I also managed to get a couple little video clips. They are from my iPhone, so they aren’t great, but you get the point.

(Ana is in the middle, to the right of Teacher Katie.)

(In this clip, Ana is on the far right, next to the mirror.)

You can see all the pictures from Ana’s class here.

Half Way, Baby!

Today I am 20 weeks, which is officially the half-way mark in my pregnancy (assuming I go the whole 40 weeks this time). So, what has been happening? Well, I have been feeling the baby move. Sometimes I am more sure it’s baby (and less stomach funkiness) than others, but the human body does all sorts of strange things so it can be hard to tell. From time to time I will feel something that feels like a kick, but I know the baby is much too small at this point for me to feel it so strongly, so I can only assume it’s something digestive. At this stage, when the baby moves it’s more like bubbles or that feeling you get when you miss a step walking down the stairs. Nothing I would describe as “kicking” and certainly nothing like the kicks I remember getting late in my pregnancy with Ana.

I’m also at the point where I am no longer allowed to lay flat on my back (because my uterus will put too much weight on my inferior vena cava-the vein that transports blood from your lower body to the heart) so I have once again dug out my Snoogle. It has become the coveted spot on my bed and both cats literally wait for me to make the bed in the morning so they can be the first to claim the comfy spot. But other than being a lovely cat nest, it has made sleeping so much more comfortable, which in my ever expanding state, is quite a feat.

Frodo enjoying the Snoogle, tucked safely under the covers.
Frodo enjoying the Snoogle

Otherwise I have been feeling pretty good. I haven’t thrown up in a week (knock on wood), I have started to get some of my energy back (in little tiny spurts), and I have still managed to get in a few good Stroller Strides workouts each week. Now we are just waiting for my ultrasound on July 6th where we will (hopefully find out if Baby Bateman 2.0 is a boy or a girl! Wahoo!

Oh and here is the much anticipated 20 week belly shot. Lovely, eh?

(For comparison sake, here is my 20 weeks with Ana post.)

As always, any pictures of Baby Bateman 2.0 will be collected here.

Ana’s First Tumbling Class

This last Wednesday Ana went to her very first Tumbling class.

She took pre-gymnastics last year, but that was a parent participation class. Tumbling she does ALL. ON. HER. OWN. And Ana, my Little Miss Independent, could not be happier about this. Ana was quick to point out that they didn’t do any actual “tumbling” (somersaults) but since it was the first day there was a lot of rules and such to cover. But they get to do lots of fun things…

Like stretching…

And hopping…

And log rolling…

And the balance beam…

And swinging on the bar.

As you can imagine, Ana had a great time. She can’t wait to go back next week! You can see all the pictures from her Tumbling Class here.

Tons of MOMS Club Fun

For those of you who don’t already know, I’m a member of the MOMS Club of North Beaverton. (Ok, ok. I’m actually the president…for the second year in a row. I just can’t “do” anything halfway. I know.) We do the vast majority of all our fun activities through the MOMS Club. It has been a fabulous resource for me and my family. Through the Club I have discovered a huge array of fabulous family-friendly things to do in the Portland metropolitan area. We live in such a great community, it would be a shame not to take advantage of all the great things this area has to offer.

And take advantage we have.

Two weeks ago, Ana and I met a bunch of our friends for a tea party at the Lavender Tea House in Sherwood. Ana was thrilled at the chance to “dress up fancy” and I love any opportunity to enjoy tea and scones (with clotted cream! And jam! And lemon curd!).

You can see all the pictures from our tea party here.

Last week, we went with a bunch of MOMS Club friends to the Oaks Park Preschool Play and Skate event. They give the kiddos a 15 minute group lesson, let them play/dance around the old wood rink, and then wrap it all up with milk and cookies. What could be better than that??

You can see all the pictures from roller skating at Oaks Park Preschool morning here.

Today we went strawberry picking at Groveland Acres in Hillsboro. The weather was perfect and the berries were beautiful. I just love all the wonderful things Oregon has to offer!

You can see all the pictures from strawberry picking at Groveland Acres here. Enjoy!