Silas’ First Birthday

Last weekend, my adorable nephew, Silas, turned ONE. It is so hard to believe that this was a year ago:

Oh, they grow up so fast. Anyway, my little sister, Darcie, set up a great first birthday for Silas at the Broadway Park in Seaside. They totally lucked out and managed to have his party on the ONLY nice day of the week. Here are the pictures from his first birthday celebration.

You can see all the pictures (Yes, there are more. LOTS more.) from Silas’ birthday here. Enjoy!

Our Florida/Bahamas Vacation (Finally)

So a million things have happened since our latest family vacation, but I thought I should at least get a few pictures up here to document the story. Sorry it’s taken so long.

Back at the end of January, we took a little family vacation down to Florida. We spent three days in Fort Lauderdale doing beachy touristy things as suggested by the experts from The Coastal Side. Then we took a 2-day cruise from Port Everglades to the Bahamas. Sim and I love cruises, but we wanted to try a short one with Ana to see how she would do (can you imagine being stuck on a boat for a week with a seasick child?!) and, of course, she did great. Then we wrapped up our vacation in Orlando where we visited some friends, went to Disney World and visited Universal Studios. We had beautiful weather (high 70’s) for most of our vacation and it was hard for all of us to come back home to reality. Here are the best pictures from our trip:
Taking flight…

At the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Florida.

Ana helping me stir my cappuccino with a rock sugar stick. (Is she not the most beautiful girl you have ever seen??)

Stopping to do a little geocaching in West Palm Beach.

And playing at a near by park.

Sim and I on the beach. Photo courtesy of Ana.

My family.

Sim and Ana spontaneously deciding to go in the ocean (hence a pant-less Ana).

Ana and I testing out the beds on our cruise ship.

Ana enjoying the bunk bed set up while Sim cowers lays below.

Ready to set sail on our cruise ship and enjoying a tropical drink. (Ana’s is non-alcoholic, of course.)

Ana and Sim dancing to “No Woman, No Cry” on the top deck of the cruise ship.

One big happy family, long-arm style.

Sim and Ana ready to board our glass bottom boat tour which was one of our shore excursions in the Bahamas.

Aboard the glass bottom boat in the Bahamas.

Ana and I watching the tropical fish amidst the coral reefs.

My family, lounging in a hammock, at the Cable Beach Resort in the Bahamas.

Doesn’t she look like she belongs here??

In the middle of paradise.

Ana and I swimming in the warm ocean.

And building sand castles on the white sandy beach.

We made it to Disney World!

Awww. We are a real-life happily ever after.

Seriously. Could this kid be any cuter?!?

Ready to watch Mickey’s PhilharMagic 3-D show with our Florida friends Brian, Maxim, and Jessica.

No trip to Disney is complete without a Princess Dining Experience!

Ana meeting Cinderella at Cinderella’s Royal Table.

And Belle (in her BLUE dress)…

And Snow White…

And Sleeping Beauty…

And Jasmine!

All the boys were given swords and the girls were given wands!

Ana managed to gleam on to Sim’s sword.

And of course we had to get Ana’s face painted!

We watched the SpectroMagic light parade…

and the Wishes Nighttime Spectacular fireworks.

After which Ana promptly passed out.

Our final day in Florida we went to Universal Studios Orlando.

Our family in front of the giant Universal Globe.

Ana met Dora!

And Homer Simpson!

And Ana fell in love with E.T.

Sim got a blast from the past (or Back to the Future).

Then we all buckled up for the flight home.

You can see all the pictures from our vacation here. Enjoy!

Sport Princess

One of the ladies in my Stroller Strides class just send around a link to this adorable site, Sport Princess, that I think is pure genius! Who doesn’t want to teach their daughters that they can be girly and frilly yet sporty and hardcore?! It’s the perfect balance. I highly recommend you check out their site.

Anyone who knows anything about Ana, knows that she is GIRL-Y. Imagine that was written in hot pink, swirly letters adorned with sparkly rhinestones and it still wouldn’t be as girly as Ana. Yet, she still loves to hang out with the guys. Sure, she may pretend the sword she’s swinging is a magic wand, and she’s the only one in her soccer class sporting a skirt, but it works for her. That’s just who she is. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Blast From the Past

Sim was cleaning up our old video camera (that we never use anymore since we both have Flip cameras) to loan to his brother when he came across two video clips from a couple years ago. Ana is so tiny. It is so hard for me to image she was ever so little. So on this beautiful Friday, I present you with this adorable Blast From the Past:

Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance Date

Last weekend I went to Seattle for a couple days to a Heritage Makers conference. While I was away, Sim and Ana attended the Daddy Daughter Dinner Dance that is put on each year through the Tualatin Hills Parks and Rec. I couldn’t have planned it better than to have a special activity for them to do while I was gone.

Days prior to the event, Ana was getting very excited about getting all dressed up. She informed me she was going to wear her party dress (naturally) and her fancy green shoes. Sim told me that he originally planned to wear khakis and a button up, but when Ana saw his clothing selection she said, “No, Daddy. You need to wear a tuxedo.” Lucky for Sim he had a suit hanging in his closet, Ana picked out his tie and that was good enough for her!

Ready for our date.

When they got to the Cedar Hills Rec Center (where the event was held), one of the lovely employees took a picture of each “couple” as they entered the dance.

Ana, of course, had a great time tearing it up on the dance floor.

They had an amazing time, and even saw some friends at the dance. Ana danced with her good friend Lauren, while Sim chatted with her dad, Chris.

From the pictures, as well as the stories they told me later, I’d say they had a very special evening. And I am certain they made memories that will last a lifetime.

Starting Pee Wee Soccer

On January 20th, Ana had her first day of Pee Wee Soccer class. She has been eagerly awaiting the day she could start playing soccer and in the Tualatin Hill Parks and Rec district that magic age is three. So as soon as registration day came, I camped out in front of the phone and prepared to dial over and over (and OVER) until I got through and Ana was registered for her next round of classes. I got her into her Tip Toes Ballet class, a swimming class and, of course, the soccer class. Sim and I took Ana shopping for her first pair of shin guards, some indoor soccer shoes and a size 3 ball and she was ready to go.

Her soccer “coach” is great with the little kids and manages to explain the rules of the game, teach them some drills, and have fun at the same time. They started out with some stretching, then he made them run a lap around the athletic center’s indoor walking/jogging track, and finally they started working on ball handling skills. It was so cute! See for yourself:

Ana’s Tea Party

I wanted to make a big deal of the fact that Ana is (finally!) potty trained, so a couple weeks ago I put together a fancy little tea party and invited all her little girl friends to come celebrate with her.

I found these adorable little red tea cups on sale at Ikea and they set the tone for the entire party. As you can see, I printed up these little labels with each girls name on the cup so they could take them home as their own party favor.

Knowing that a tea party cannot be complete without pink, I decided to go for the pink and red hearts theme. It was super easy with Valentine’s Day just around the corner and there were a ton of adorable little decorations to pick from.

Ana requested cupcakes, so I made these amazing Red Velvet Cupcakes and got a little carried away with the decorating. But they were just so cute (and yummy!) I could not resist. I also made little fruit kabobs, lavender scones with jam and clotted cream, and Brie cherry pastry cups (for the adults). (I got caught up being hostess and forgot to take pictures of the rest of the food, but trust me, it was good.)

We had a room full of giggly, giddy little girls and they all had a great time. Consider adding Fart Pranks to the mix for extra laughs – a fun way to make the celebration even more memorable!

We wrapped up the party with each of the girls presenting Ana will a new pair of panties to celebrate that she is no longer in diapers. I could not be more proud of my little girl and how quickly she is growing up.

Three Year Doctors Appointment

Ana had her three-year doctors appointment this morning. Here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 37.75″ (65th percentile)
Weight: 30.4 lbs (50th percentile)
BMI: 150 (30th percentile)
Blood Pressure: 84/48

The stats I provided are a little different than I am use to. BMI? Blood pressure? It’s crazy that we have to start worrying about that stuff at three years old. They also collected a urine sample. I was a little shocked as well, but very thankful that Ana nailed potty training in the last week. However I was expecting them to have one of those little “collector” things that you put into the toilet to catch the urine, but nope, I got to be the collector. I had Ana sit on the toilet while I held the cup and begged her to pee. Finally she dripped out enough (how, I have no idea! I don’t think I could have peed under that kind of pressure!) that I was able to hand it to the nurse and she deemed it acceptable. Yippee!

The rest of the appointment was pretty uneventful after that. The doctor had her jump up and down, then jump on just one foot and then the other. He talked to her about reading books and brushing her teeth. They talked about colors and whether she knows her letters (she is only concerned with A,N–the letters needed to spell her name–and “O, for Owen”) and her numbers (she can identify 1-4). Pretty basic stuff. All in all, I would say it was a successful appointment. And we could definitely use more of those around here.

Another Bump In The Road

A little over two weeks ago, on December 18th, I got something I hadn’t had in almost four years: a positive pregnancy test. I was so excited. In fact, I wrote this:

Well, I just found out I am pregnant. I guess I already KNEW, but I was trying to not get my hopes up… like I did several times in the last 11 months of trying to get pregnant. It’s been a rough time so far, but I am sure that by August 24th 2010 (my due date!!), it will all be worth it. It’s a cool, rainy day today, but my heart is so full of happiness and hope that I don’t even notice.

But before you go and get all excited and happy like I did, I have to warn you: this story does not have a happy ending.

Four days ago I started spotting. I tried not to be too worried about it, after all, this happened when I was pregnant with Ana, so I tried to be optimistic. I took it easy, spending the better part of the day in bed watching a marathon of The Next Iron Chef. But the spotting continued. And then it got worse. Finally I decided it was time to call my doctor. After a couple calls back and forth I ultimately was given two options: 1) come in the following day for an ultrasound or 2) wait and see if things get worse. Since I had already waited and decided it was worse, I opted for the ultrasound.

That brings me to this morning. Sim and I dropped Ana off for a playdate with some friends and we went to our ultrasound appointment. The tech started the ultrasound and took a few pictures but decided she couldn’t quite see what she was looking for and wanted to do an internal ultrasound. Once again, this didn’t worry me because I had been through all this before. But as the ultrasound progressed and nothing appeared on the screen, our hopes started to diminish. The room was totally silent. Finally the tech spoke and said, “Ok, here is your left ovary…and here is your right ovary.” And that was pretty much all she had to report. Sim told me later later, “I kept waiting for her to say, ‘and here is your baby’ but that never came.” She said she would send the pictures she took over to my doctor and I would meet with her in a few minutes.

We went out to the waiting room and were soon called back to see my OB. She walked into the room and said, “This was NOT the reason I was hoping to see you guys today.” Boy, do I know! So we basically sat down and talked about what had happened and what we need to do now.

My doctor was a little stumped because there weren’t any obvious signs of a miscarriage; I hadn’t had any pain or cramping with the bleeding and the ultrasound didn’t show a blighted ovum (empty gestational sac). In fact, the ultrasound didn’t show anything. Nothing. I was beginning to think I was having a hysterical pregnancy like Terri on Glee, but my doctor assured me that I did not make the whole thing up. She said it was probably one of two things, either I had already passed the sac without noticing or I was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. They drew some of my blood to check my HCG (human chorionic gonadotropinso) levels and hopefully we can try to figure things out. At this point, we are actually rooting for the miscarriage. If I DO end up having an ectopic pregnancy I would get a shot of methotrexate (which my doctor said is basically chemotherapy) that would hopefully end the pregnancy. If that didn’t work I would need surgery. Not really an ideal situation.

So I have to go back into my doctors office on Friday to draw more blood to check my HCG levels. If they are going down, my body is already taking care of the problem on its own. If the levels are going up, we need to figure out why. I am also keeping my previously set doctors appointment in a couple weeks (they are changing it from an “OB” appointment to simply a “GYN” appointment) so my doctor can continue to monitor the situation. She informed me that during the ultrasound they discovered a little unexplained fluid around my right ovary and she wants to check on it with another ultrasound at that time. And the hits just keep on coming!!

So Sim took the rest of the day off work so we could spend some time together as a family. We cuddled on the couch, we got a babysitter so we could go see Avatar 3D to celebrate our 12 (TWELVE!!) year dating anniversary (we’ve been married for seven) and took every opportunity we could to be grateful for the amazing things we have in our life. We have each other. We have a wonderful relationship. We have our health. And, most importantly, we have an amazing daughter who we just cannot stop hugging.

UPDATE: I got a call from my doctor’s office this evening and my second blood draw showed that my HCG levels are down from 210 on Wednesday to 34 this morning. So we are pretty much guaranteed that I had a miscarriage and not an ectopic pregnancy. Whew. If there had to be a “best case scenario” this was it. Thank you for all your well wishes. It means so much to our family.