Dear Hadley,
A few days ago you turned thirty-three months old. I just turned thirty-three myself so for the next few weeks we can both enjoy being thirty-three! Not that I am anywhere near as adorable, inquisitive, or entertaining as you, but I find it amusing just the same.
I know you are only two (though three is JUST around the corner) but your clothing requirements have become increasingly more high maintenance. Firstly, you insist upon sleeping in pajamas. Not just at night, but during nap time as well. if you need the best branded clothes, NBA Youngboy Merch can be checked out! (I actually get this one, because why wouldn’t you sleep in pajamas just because it’s the middle of the day?) But upon waking from your nap, you refuse to put on the clothing you wore that morning. On days when it’s chilly in the morning and hot in the afternoon, it makes sense, but most days I feel like I am just doing laundry to keep up with your four (or five, if you have a special activity, like ballet that requires specific clothing) outfit changes. Man, having a clothing diva can be exhausting!
It’s no secret that we are big soccer fans. Timbers, Thorns, Pilots, we love them all. So it makes sense that you would get excited about soccer as well. One of the basic Timber’s Army cheers has a line, “When I root, I root for the Timbers!” and the other day I heard you singing in the car, “When I root, I root for soccer!” I’m glad our enthusiasm has been contagious.
You are such a determined little lady that sometimes I forget how little you really are. But you manage to hold your own and continually amaze me with the things you can do when you put your mind to it. If Ana jumps on her bike, you hop on yours. If she digs out her scooter, you drag out yours. You are very active and just love to keep busy!
Last weekend we ended up with a free day so we decided to go to Seaside. As soon as I said “beach” you ran upstairs and grabbed your sand buckets. I wasn’t sure if the weather would allow for actual beach time, but you were so excited that as soon as we realized the day was going to be nice, we made it happen. You love the sand. And the ocean. And running across the sand into the ocean. The sheer joy and shrieks of glee allowed me to put aside my utter loathing of the sand and it’s ability to coat every single surface instantaneously, and just enjoy some time on the beach with my family.
Speaking of messy fun, the other day I let you play with Play Dough. I mean, really play with Play Dough. All the tools, all the colors, anything you wanted to do, we did it. I even let you play with multiple colors at a time and smoosh them together until they became a lovely vomit color (whatever you do, don’t tell Ana. I never let her play with more than one color at a time). It was fascinating to watch you alternating between being so serious and focused, to giggling as you squished the molding compound between your fingers.
I love watching the excitement on your face when you learn something or figure something out. Knowledge is so empowering and I love that you get the satisfaction from it as much as I do. For example, you have always called “balloons” “babloons.” And while that is incredibly adorable and it made me smile every time you said it, it’s not correct. I know you can pronounce it properly, so I worked you with, breaking it down: “Say ‘ba’ now say ‘loon’ and try it all together ‘ba-loon'” until you could say it. When you finally said it, “balloon!” your face lit up, and you started clapping! I think you were more excited than I was. Now every time you say “balloon” both of us beam with pride.
Earlier this month us Bateman girls had the opportunity to spend the week at Girl Scout Camp. Originally I just signed Ana up to go as a camper, but the camp needed more adult volunteers. I said I couldn’t commit to being there for the whole week because I stay home with you. Siblings are allowed to attend the camps “Pixie/Widget” program, but they have to be three years old and potty trained. They said they would make a special exception to their rule if I volunteered to work with the Pixies (3-5 year olds) so you could be with me. I agreed, despite the fact that camp was from 8:30am-3:30pm and you still take naps, but I just made sure that your dad was on stand-by to come pick you up if you had a meltdown. But I never had to call him. You were amazing. You were the youngest camper out there and I could not have been more impressed with your positive attitude. You are such a trooper.
You had a fabulous time at camp. You made friends, did arts and crafts, learned silly songs (that you and Ana still continue to sing every time we are driving in the car), went on nature hikes, made “armpit fudge” in cooking class, and just had an all-around fun time. It was exhausting, but it was totally worth it.
We also made some time in our schedule this month to meet some friends for Oaks Park Chipper Preschool morning. We hadn’t been at all this year and I wasn’t sure how you would do on the rides. Most of the rides the parents can ride with you, but there are several that are just for the little ones. But you loved them all! On one of the rides a little girl sitting next to you started crying and you actually comforted her. Then when the ride was over and you were unbuckled, you reached over and gave her a hug! It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.
Hadley, you are such a riot. You are always saying things that crack me up. I swear, I laugh or smile all day long when I am with you. You have such a positive perspective and I just love to see things through your eyes. Your kind heart, your silly nature, and the way you are so expressive of your love toward family and friends make me so proud to be your mama.
All my love,
Ana’s First Lost Tooth
Ana was convinced she was NEVER going to lose her first tooth. Then today happened!
We kept the tooth safe in a baggie and Ana declared we needed to read the Tooth Fairy book for bedtime. Sounds good to me!
Ana wasn’t sure about having the Tooth Fairy come into her room while she was asleep so she opted to hang her tooth pillow outside of her bedroom door.
The next morning we discovered the Tooth Fairy had visited! She took Ana’s baby tooth and left in it’s place a teeny tiny envelope with a letter inside, as well as a rolled up sparkly $5 bill! Ana was thrilled!
A Letter: Thirty-one and Thirty-two Months
Dear Hadley,
Monday you turned thirty-two months old. And since you never miss a beat, you will probably have noticed I never got around to writing your thirty one month letter. I’ll be honest, the month got away from me. We were super busy making sure you had the best possible time, filling every minute with adventures, momentous occasions, and puppy kisses. So I am sure you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
Even though it’s summer time, I am doing my best to keep you on your regular routine. You are still taking a ballet class, going to Gymboree, and keeping up with our regular play groups. And man do you look forward to the activities that are geared toward YOU. You love that you have classes to attend, schedules to follow, and places to be. Anytime we drive by the Cedar Hills Rec Center (where you take dance) you always point out the window and shout, “Look! There’s my school!” with pure pride.
The big news last month was our new puppy, Lucy. You and Lucy have bonded in a way I never expected. I didn’t think you’d like the fact that you were no longer the baby in the house, but you simply adore her. Maybe it’s that you two are the littlest, maybe it’s that you are both blondes, whatever it is, it’s adorable. You are always looking out for her, playing with her, and even though she will (VERY) quickly be bigger than you, it’s obvious that you guys are best buds.
You want to be involved in every aspect of Lucy, from potty training, teaching her to walk on a leash, or even just playing, as you call it, Tug-A-Rope. If Lucy pauses at the door and even starts to utter a wimper, you throw open the sliding glass door, walk her outside (often in your pajamas and without shoes, but whatever) and before I have even slipped on my shoes I hear you cheering, “Good girl, Lucy! Good potty!” I think I owe a lot of her potty training success to your doting behavior. Now if only you would show as much interest in your OWN potty training, that would be impressive.
But that isn’t to say that you ALWAYS like Lucy to be around. As with any best friend, you often need time apart. And you are quick to tell Lucy to go away (with your words, or just by pushing her away if it comes to that) if you need some space. We also found out that you don’t deal with watching Lucy eat or seeing her poop. Both events will cause you to instantly start dry heaving, and if we aren’t able to distract you in time, you will vomit. Yeah. We learned that one the hard way.
Last month our family went to the Tigard Festival of Balloons. We got up at the crack of dawn to watch the balloons launch in the morning and stuck around to check out a few of the balloons. We waited in the Longest. Line. Ever. but your patience was rewarded because you were able to actually go up in a hot air balloon! It was tethered to the field, so the risk was minimal, but the experience was beyond anything you can imagine. I wasn’t sure how you would react to being that far off the ground, but you just looked around in amazement with the biggest smile plasted across your face. Needless to say it was an amazing day.
Last week was the 4th of July, which in our house, reaches a level of excitement on par with Christmas. Since the weather was perfect, we were able to go to the beach, play in the sand, jump around in the waves, roast marshmallows, then relax around the campfire as the fireworks explode over the ocean in front of us. Yeah. It’s as perfect as it sounds.
It’s already been a fun-filled couple months, and the summer is only just beginning. We have many adventures ahead of us, experiences to treasure, milestones to meet, and love to be shared. I am so happy that we are blessed to have the life we do, where we are able to spend so much time together as a family. No matter what is ahead of us, as long as you are by my side, I know everything will be perfect.
All my love,
Conversation with Hadley
Hadley: My legs are not too long.
Me: No, your legs are perfect. They’re my favorite.
Hadley: No. They’re MY favorite.
Me: Can’t they be both of our favorites? Can we share them?
Hadley: Yes. That be fine. But don’t touch my feet. Just look.
A Letter: Thirty Months
Dear Hadley,
Last week you turned thirty months old. It’s crazy to think about but now that you are two and a half you are closer to three than to two. I love the clever way your mind works and the silly things you say. You and Ana have been endlessly playing with an empty diaper box to the point that it was literally falling apart. So I finally snuck it out of the living room and into the recycling bin. A day later you noticed it was missing and asked for it. I explained that it was broken but the next time we got a box I would be sure to give it to you. To which you replied, “Mama, can we go to the box store NOW?”
In honor of your half birthday, we decided to do a little baking and whip up some cupcakes. I couldn’t decide between these adorable little Oreo cheesecakes or indulge your whimsical side with these owl cupcakes I saw on Pinterest. I decided the cheesecakes would be more appropriate for the adults and the owls were more suited toward the kiddos… so we made them both. And it was a good thing too, because there is no better way to celebrate being two and a half than with a cupcake in each hand!
You are quickly becoming quite the little homemaker. You just love helping me with everything I do. You are my assistant when I’m cooking, you push the buttons on the washing machine (look into site to buy at the best price and quality) and you even love helping me clean. In fact, the other day I took you to the Dollar Tree and said you could pick any one thing you wanted to bring home. We walked up and down every aisle in the store and what did you decide to buy? A monkey scrub brush. Then as soon as we got home you went straight upstairs and started “scrubbing” bathroom floor. (Now before you go and blame my OCD, I am fairly certain you got this notion from Cinderella because I have never in my recollection gotten down on my hands and knees to scrub the bathroom floors!)
When you aren’t cooking or cleaning, you are always preparing to embark on an adventure. You grab a bag, fill it with the essentials (usually a few Polly Pocket Princesses, a couple books, and a blanket) and tell me, “Mama, I ready to go!” And now that you know how to open doors I make sure to keep a watchful eye on you so you don’t actually go!
While you are a lover of all animals and characters, you certainly have your favorites. Right now you are partial to Care Bears and the Chipmunks. And while we have several of the Beanie Baby sized options of both critters, when you play with them you have to play with ALL OF THEM. You are not happy unless you are carrying around the entire set. As you stagger around the house half-hazardly carrying six chipmunks in your arms you have quickly blurred the lines of “collector” and settled firmly on “hoarder.”
We have had a pretty good run of weather lately and so we have been spending a lot of time in our back yard. As a result, you have become quite the trampoline aficionado. (Well, once we set up a stool so you could actually get on and off of it by yourself anyway.) You would bounce all day if we let you. It makes you so happy to run in circles, do somersaults, and just jump with all your heart. I love nothing more than to look out the kitchen window while I’m making dinner to see you bounding across the trampoline, your hair wild with static, and a look of sheer glee plastered across your face.
When you aren’t testing your extreme sport abilities, you have recently become quite fond of princesses and dress-up. When you select a movie to watch you like to dress up like that character and act out the scenes along with the characters on the screen. You can twirl and dance with the best of them!
We recently went to the beach for the weekend and stayed at Grandma Nana’s house. Since it’s not too far away, we generally just go for the day but we decided to extend our mini-vaca to an over-night adventure. Grandma doesn’t have a crib and since you are too big for the Pack-N-Play, we decided to let you try sleeping in her toddler bed. The only “real” bed you’ve ever slept in is a hotel bed with your sister so we weren’t sure how this adventure was going to unfold. Sure enough, you surprised us by being an absolute pro and never got out of bed the entire night. At one point I came in to check on you and you had actually slid out of the bed onto the pillow I had placed on the floor for this very reason. Not wanting to disturb you, I just covered you with a blanket and let you sleep on the floor. But at some point in the night you woke up, realized you had slid out, and just climbed right back into bed. Like I said: PRO.
While we were at the coast the weather was amazing so we decided to go play on the beach. You’ve been on the beach before (and much to my dismay, sneak off to play in sandboxes every chance you get) but this was your very first time to play in the ocean! You absolutely loved it. It took everything in my power to convince you to walk back to the sand just to let your feet warm up from the freezing cold water. But as soon as you walked back to the warm sand you would turn right back around and bee-line for the ocean.
Hadley, it has been another amazing month with you by my side. We have such similar personalities sometimes I feel like I am watching my own childhood play out. I know that because we are so alike, it is inevitable that eventually we are going to butt heads. But that’s ok. I want you to stand up for what you want, believe in what is important to you, and never let anyone tell you that you are anything less than perfect. Because, Hadley, perfect is just one of your many defining characteristics.
All my love,
Talking With Hadley
Hadley and I had the following conversation over lunch today:
Hadley: I love India.
Me: Oh really? Where did you learn about India?
Hadley: I don’t know. In school?
Me: When did you go to school?
Hadley: On Mondsday. My teacher tells me to go to class.
Me: What else did you do at school?
Hadley: I fell down. But people helped me up. People are nice!
A Letter: Twenty-Nine Months
Dear Hadley,
Last week you turned twenty-nine months old. And man are you becoming a character! You have started making the most exaggerated facial expressions. I sometimes find myself just looking over at you and laughing out loud at the different faces you make at me. You also have a variety of voices you still talk in, ranging from very deep and serious, all the way to high pitch and whimsical. I just never know what you are going to do or say next. You always manage to keep me on my toes!
The big news of the month was that you got your very first hair cut. I wasn’t really planning to cut your hair, but Ana was begging to cut her hair with such enthusiasm that you asked to cut your hair too. I am a firm believer that it is your hair and so you can do with it what you like (within reason), so I was not about to stop you from getting your hair cut if it was something you really wanted to do. After all, it is just hair. So we headed over to Pigtails and Crewcuts. On the way you said, “I no want to cut my hair. It hurts me.” And it was such a silly thing to hear you say, that Ana and I just started laughing. Then you looked all confused and said, “It not hurt me? It just tickles?” So we reassured you that it would not hurt at all and you were once again excited about the milestone you were about to complete. And the haircut happened without a hitch. You sat perfectly still, mesmerized by whatever Disney movie they had playing, and graciously accepted the Dum Dum they gave you for being so well behaved with a polite “thank you.” I could not have asked for more.
(Above is the wispy “before” borderline mullet.)
We recently had your Uncle Jesse over to help us paint our master bathroom. You were adamant about helping Uncle Jesse paint. You watched him as he did all the prep work, gathering supplies, and readying the space. He gave you a paint brush to play with and to you, this meant you were just promoted to assistant painter! So when it came time to apply the primer, he marked off a little square of the wall, instructed you to “try to stay in the lines” and let you go to town painting! You were delighted to be his special helper.
Over Spring Break we took a quick trip up to Seattle. It was perfect weather so we seized the opportunity to enjoy being tourists in the beautiful city! We rode the Monorail, walked around Pike Place market, and went to the top of the Space Needle. You loved the monorail and were particularly impressed with the elevator ride up to the top of the Space Needle (though you were a little disgruntled that you didn’t get to push the buttons for the elevator.)
While we were in Seattle we made time to visit our good friends and meet their newest addition. You had a fun time playing with their oldest daughter, Juniper. It was fun to watch the two of you interact and it was one of the first times I saw you really break away from the parallel play and actually play together with one of your friends. You played dress up, had a tea party, and even watched Ana put on a puppet show.
Since we were so close to the only American Girl store in the Pacific Northwest, we had to drive a little further north to really round out our family trip. You quickly befriended a Bitty Baby and carried her around the store. But when you grew tired of lugging around the doll that was almost as big as you, I spotted you sitting off to the side reading a book to your (freshly re-sewn at the Build-a-Bear store) Mama Monkey. As a self-proclaimed book lover, it melted my heart to see you confidently sitting there reading a book. (I also love that it looks like Mama Monkey is legitimately enthralled in whatever story you are reading her.)
When we got back from Seattle, it was practically Easter! We started off the celebration weekend with an Easter Egg Hunt at Ana’s school. They had divided the hunts into different age categories and you were fully prepared to represent for the “2 & Under” crew. You were very excited about the prospect of gathering as many eggs as possible and you did quite an impressive job considering at the time you didn’t even know they were filled with treats!
Then once we hunted the eggs and made some crafty Easter crowns, we went out to the front of the school to enjoy the sunshine and blow some bubbles. I was worried you were going to end up wearing most of the soapy mixture (or spilling it all over the pavement) but you surprised me once again and showed me just what a pro you are at bubble blowing. You would load up the wand, expertly blow some bubbles, then giggled and excitedly chase them around.
Then it was finally Easter morning! The Easter Bunny hid your Easter baskets but left a trail of clues for you to find them. You were so excited by every single thing that was happening, from discovering the remnants of the chewed carrots left by the Easter Bunny to finding the clues hidden around the house, I couldn’t help but get consumed by your infectious attitude. Everyone in the house was giddy and giggling, just the way Easter morning should be.
You also started your first swimming lessons this month. Daddy is the super trooper who steps up to take you to lessons (and actually gets into the pool with you) and I think it’s great the two of you get a chance to do something together. But Ana and I didn’t want to miss your first lesson so we camped out in the bleachers and watched the entire class, making sure to wave every time you looked up, scanning the crowd for our smiling faces.
You are also still taking (and loving) ballet class. These days you don’t have any problem with me dropping you off and waiting out in the hall during class. You still periodically ask me if I am going to be outside and when I say, “yes, the class is not for mommies.” you nod knowingly like you are just making sure you understand exactly what is going on.
If I had to ask you who was your favorite person, I know with all of my heart that Ana is, hands down, your favorite person. Ever. You love her so much I feel like at times it consumes you. That is not to say that you don’t get into each others space and fight from time to time, but more often than not you are always asking, “Mama, where Ana?” and when I tell you, “She’s at school.” you always respond by asking, “We go get her now?” You don’t like to be without her for long so as soon as you wake up from your nap you always ask, “Is Ana home now?!” If it’s a day that Chloe brings her home, you run downstairs and the two of you hug like she has just returned home from war.
As a self-diagnosed OCD mama, I have a great sense of pride at how you are so good at cleaning up, putting things away, and throwing away your own garbage. At our house the kitchen garbage is baby proofed (we keep cleaners in there) so to access a garbage can, you have to go upstairs. You always throw things away in my bathroom (and on your way there walk past TWO garbage cans: one in your bathroom and one in Ana’s room) so I’m always finding little trash surprises like tiny yogurt covered raisin boxes or empty squeeze apple sauces. Every time I discover one of your garbage deposits, it warms my heart.
Hadley, you are such a sweet and wonderful child. You are so silly and bring more smiles to my day than I could attempt to count. The things you say and do always make me laugh and brighten my day. Every morning I can’t wait to see your adorable face and get one of your famous “hug you face” snuggles. Thank you for never failing to make everything around you that much better.
All my love,
Six Year Doctor Appointment
Ana had her six-year doctors appointment over Spring Break. (Obviously she turned six back in December but her appointment got rescheduled when her doctor fell down a flight of stairs–he’s ok–and this was the first day off from school they had an available appointment. I’m sorry, but my kids don’t miss school for routine appointments.) Here are her stats from the appt:
Height: 47 3/4″ (75th percentile)
Weight: 50 lbs (65th percentile)
BMI: 15.4 (50th percentile)
Blood Pressure: 84/58
We started the appointment with a urine sample. Unfortunately, out of habit, I made Ana pee before we left the house so she didn’t have to go. Finally she summoned up all she could (just a few drops), looked in the plastic cup, then declared, “Well, that is really disappointing!” Oops. Fortunately they don’t need much for the test and the amount she collected was enough. Whew!
Then it was time for the ear test and the eye exam. Ana was very excited that she knows all her letters so they let her do the “grown up” eye test (with letters instead of pictures) this year. She did great on all the tests and was excited when the nurse declared her to be “perfect!”
Ana was thrilled to find out that she didn’t need any immunizations at this appointment, but was a little bit bummed to find out they needed to prick her finger for the anemia test. She was brave and let them “stab” her and “steal her blood.” The nurse gave her a generic bandage which I quickly upgraded to Toy Story Band-Aid once we were in the car which quickly improved her mood about the entire situation.
Everything else at the appointment went great. Ana is off the hook for another year (well nine months, but who is counting?).
A Letter: Twenty-Eight Months
Dear Hadley,
Last week you turned twenty-eight months old. When I think about how little you still are, I am shocked at what a big personality fits inside such a tiny body. You are growing so fast and changing so much each day that I have to remember to sit back and enjoy you as you are today because tomorrow you will be another day older, bigger, and wiser.
I’m not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but you are totally and completely obsessed with Diego. Every morning you wake up and the first thing you want to do is cuddle on the couch with some hot chocolate and watch “Go, Diego, Go.” I think it says a lot about your personality; you are adventurous, brave, and love animals. And I’m kind of happy that you didn’t go the traditional Dora route (because I logged more than my fair share of Dora when Ana was your age). Rather than being all butterflies, princesses, and fairies, Diego is into extreme sports, exploring the world, and helping animals. I think those are wonderful things to aspire to and so I totally support your Diego habit.
I’m not sure I should admit this, but I am not a fan of “kid music.” I feel like between television theme songs and commercials we are already inundated with enough of the annoyingly-catchy music which when actually sung by children sounds like it belongs in a horror movie. Shudder. Anyway, I digress. I was able to keep this genre from you for quite awhile but last week in a desperate attempt to keep you awake in the car (lest you fall asleep and foil all hopes of a real nap) I plugged in my iPhone and played “Go, Diego, Go Live!” music. Just as I expected, your eyes lit up with delight and you shrieked with contagious glee. The good side? I managed to keep you awake til we got home. However the down side is that now every time we are in the car you tell me, “I no like THIS song. I like Diego…”
You have become quite the animal hoarder. You are very fond of a particular set of stuffed animals who are lucky enough to be permitted to reside in your crib. You have named the monkeys Dada Monkey, Mama Monkey, and Baby Monkey, and the lone cat in the bunch is called Little Brad. You are constantly trying to carry ALL of them around with you and they are always the first toys brought down to cuddle with you on the couch while you watch Diego.
But just because you like Diego and animals does not mean you aren’t still all girl. You love to accessorize like it’s your job. You spend a lot of the time we are home walking around in high heels and about half of that time you are either sporting a backpack or have a purse dangling off your arm.
You also love to draw and “do art.” The other day you were drawing on the big dry erase board in Daddy’s office, working on your latest masterpiece. I asked you what you were making and you pointed to your picture and said, “That my eye… That my other eye… That my mouth… And that my scribble.” Good to know you are keeping it real.
I am constantly amazed at what a keen observer you are. You have perfect hearing and pay attention to everything. Just this morning you wanted to pick out a movie for us to watch. After briefly debating Tangled or Puss in Boots (which for some reason you call Buttons in Beeps) we finally decided on Monsters, Inc. You quickly said, “I get it!” then without hesitating for even a second, you pulled open the third drawer of DVDs, reached between Megamind and Monsters vs. Aliens and pulled out the correct DVD case. I know I shouldn’t doubt your borderline savant memory, but I was totally floored.
You are also all about doctors lately. Whether it’s asking to go to the doctor’s office, pretending to be a doctor with one of our many doctor’s kits, or reenacting recently watched episodes of Doc McStuffins. Around here, we are all doctors, all the time. You are very aware of every single scratch, hang nail, or bruise on any member of our immediate family. You love to examine our “ouches” and “doctor us” then ask, “you feel better?” (Ed. Note: Yikes. Have you ever read a paragraph that said DOCTOR so many times? I feel like I need to add “doctor, doctor, doctor” just to make sure.)
Hadley, I know everyone always says the current phase their child is in is their favorite, and I am not any different. Every day I marvel at how much I love this stage of development. Everything you say is adorable. Witnessing you go from saying, “It’s me turn!” to correctly declaring, “It’s MY turn!” Watching the way you walk, dance, or even sleep is mesmerizing. Even as you throw a typical two-year old temper tantrum (say that five times fast!) I watch your shockingly blue eyes fill up with tears, and your chin quiver with emotion, I just think about how I want to wrap my arms around you and just hold you close to me. And I plan to do just that…for as long as you will let me.
Daddy Daughter Dance 2013
And so the annual tradition continues. Last Friday, Simeon and Ana attended the annual Daddy Daughter Dance at the Cedar Hills Rec center. Ana looks forward to this event ALL year. And if I’m being honest, I think Simeon does too. They get dressed up, Sim buys Ana a corsage, they eat dinner together, spend some quality time on the dance floor and usually hit Baskin Robbins for ice cream on the way home. What’s not to love?
Here are the pictures from this year:
And just for fun, I dug up the pictures from previous years. Here is 2012:
And the first year they went to the dance, 2010: