A Letter: Twenty-One Months

Dear Hadley,
Earlier this week you turned twenty-one months old, or one and three quarters, if you want to simplify the math. Which ever way you look at it, you are far too young to have the amount of attitude you possess. You have the emotional range of a teenager (thanks for that little sneak peak, by the way). You can go from crying to smiling to sullen pouting in the blink of an eye. We treat your attitude just like the weather in Oregon, if you don’t like it just wait a minute.

But baby, when you laugh you can light up a room. And once we get you started it can be hard to get you to stop. And it is so infectious. When I hear that deep belly laugh, even if I am having the worst day, I cannot help but smile. I simply cannot stay in a bad mood when your smiling face is shining at me.

The big milestone of the last month was your first air plane ride! Two weeks ago we went to Salt Lake City, Utah and you had an amazing time on the plane. At your age, everything we do is an adventure and you were more than up for the challenge. You enjoyed all the new things to see and do. Since you are under two, we didn’t have to buy you your own seat and that was probably the only thing that irritated you. When one of us would get up for one reason or another you would happily take over our seat. But upon our return you were less than happy about being relegated back to sitting on someone’s lap and clung to the seat stating, “mine!” You are, after all, a BIG GIRL and you thought you were entitled to your own seat. Soon enough, my dear. And when the time comes that I have to buy four tickets I will mourn the fact that our tiny family will no longer be able to all sit in the same row on most airplanes.

Part of getting bigger is taking on more responsibility in your daily tasks. You have really stepped up when it comes to getting dressed. You are very happy to run into your room, grab a few random things from your drawer and attempt to put them on yourself. More often than not, you are trying to put them on OVER your pajamas and you are usually trying to put your shirt on over your feet, but by God, you are doing in ON YOUR OWN. The other day we were getting ready to go play in the kiddie pool so we let you pick between two swimsuits (both happened to be Little Mermaid). Your dad put on the suit you selected and continued to get things ready to go outside. Little did we know, you were far from done! You went back to your dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts which you actually managed to put on properly, then you found the other Little Mermaid suit and proceeded to try to put it on as well. I was quite impressed because anyone who has ever had to put on a one-piece swim suit knows those things are tricky to get on, especially OVER other articles of clothing.

When you aren’t getting dressed, you are generally keeping yourself busy around the house with lots of other menial tasks you see your dad and I doing, whether that’s cooking in the play kitchen, pushing around the pretend vacuum, or working on the Barbie laptop. I love when I see you copying something you have obviously seen us do over and over but I love watching your interpretation. The things that you find important and complete with painstaking attention to detail is really enlightening and a constant reminder that you see everything and you certainly don’t miss a beat. In this picture I think it’s fairly obvious you were thinking, “What do you need? Can’t you see I’m working?”

While you certainly learn from watching your parents, I would be remiss if I failed to mention the amount of things you learn from watching your big sister. You constantly follow Ana around the house copying every thing she does. I’m sure to her it can seem a little annoying, but one day she will realize what it truly is: the most sincere form of flattery. You idolize her in a way that only a loving little sister can. You don’t always understand why she does the things she is doing, but you follow along because that is what you are suppose to do.

The other day we were shopping at Costco and they happened to have the Halloween costumes out. Your sister will tell you that I am a sucker for Halloween so we stopped to play a little dress up right there in the store. Upon seeing Ana try on the wig, you wanted to be involved in the fun as well. You kept pointing and squealing, “Hat!” so I decided to see what would happen and placed the fake hair onto your head. I fully expected you to yank it off just as quickly but you never fail to surprise me! You loved it! In fact, you kept the wig on for the majority of our shopping trip, totally enjoying all the smiles and stares you got from people in the store. You and Ana were having so much fun with the Merida (from Brave) and Rapunzel (from Tangled) wigs that we just had to buy them.

While you can be sweet and kind, you also have quite the cunning, mischievous streak. We were at a restaurant for breakfast and had ordered one cup of milk for you and Ana to share. You figured out pretty quickly that as soon as you finished your sip we would pass the drink to your sister. So after a few rounds of back and forth you decided you would just stop taking the straw out of your mouth, which would then end your turn, and continued to eat your meal out of the opposite side of your mouth. Well played, Hadley, well played.

We took you bowling for the first time this month. While you had no interest in rolling a ball down the aisle (let me say you really weren’t missing much) you loved the ball return. You enjoyed watching the balls roll up the chute and you were quite entertained by the fan. You stood down there just letting the air blow in your hair and watched the different colored balls come and go as the game progressed.

Can I just take a moment and say something silly and trivial? You have the most amazing hair. Not only is the color unbelievable, golden blond with subtle red undertones, but it can be both perfectly straight and totally taken-over by ringlets. Much like you, I have no idea what it is going to be like from one day to the next. You will do down for a nap with relatively tame smooth hair then wake up with a cloud of curls. As soon as you sweat (like during warm nap times) or get your hair wet, the curls magically appear. Your father was just commenting yesterday about how he feels like we were always having to do Ana’s hair at this age and for the most part, we have yet to have to really do much with yours. I told him that you just have amazing hair and we are just going to enjoy it being like this for as long as we can!

Well my sweet girl, it has been another amazing month. I honestly cannot believe how quickly you are growing up. It feels like a month goes by in the blink of an eye. Sure now the milestones are airplane rides and first time at the bowling alley, but before I know it they will be first day of school, getting ready for prom, and walking you down the aisle on your wedding day. I keep catching little glimpses of your future and I have to remind myself to just slow down. It will all happen soon enough. So for now I will make the time to sit down on the floor with you to dress up the princess Polly Pockets, have tea parties with teddy bears, and play with you on the plasma car. Because these are the moments of today and today is all I have ever wanted and all I could ever ask for rolled into one.

All my love,

Happy birthday, Molly!!

Today is Molly’s 9th birthday so I thought I would do a little pictorial homage to our youngest canine companion.

Ana, however, was insistent that we make it more of a party, so we made Molly a doggie birthday cake, complete with Puperoni candles.

(Note the drool pouring out of her mouth as we sang happy birthday.)

Oh and Molly totally preferred Ana’s tribute to mine.

A Letter: Twenty Months

Dear Hadley,
You turn twenty months old today. We are officially out of the “teen” months and edging closer and closer to two. But I’m not too worried about the “terrible two’s” though, because while you can be quite stubborn and rather opinionated (I have no idea where you got these often-misunderstood-but-not-all-together-bad characteristics from), I know your true personality. You are a Little Miss Sunshine. You love to smile and laugh and giggle and when you do, all those other less favorable traits just disappear.

As you get older (and who wouldn’t consider twenty months to be old, anyway?) you get girly-er and girly-er all the time. Right now you are all about the accessories. Everything you find becomes jewelry or something to adorn your little body. You found an old cow-print hair scrunchy of mine buried deep in one of my bathroom drawers and you would have thought Christmas had come early! You wore that thing all day long and refused to let me take it off your wrist. You also discovered that all of Ana’s multi-colored hair bands make perfect bangle bracelets. Between you and the cats, I am constantly finding hair bands scattered all around the house.

While you can be very loud and flamboyant, commanding the attention of everyone in a room, you are also perfectly happy sitting by yourself playing quietly. On one of our recent bike rides the older kiddos were burning off energy, running around like hooligans, and I looked over to see you sitting quietly in the middle of a grassy field.

Summer is in full swing now and one of our favorite activities lately has been berry picking. The first time I took you out I wasn’t sure what to expect. I brought the stroller just in case I needed to contain you but it didn’t end up being necessary. I put a handful of berries to snack on in your bucket, but once you ate those you discovered you could just follow our friends around, politely asking “More? P’eees!” and they handed you more berries to enjoy.

Peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek are very amusing to you right now. Even if you could disappear simply by covering your hands over your eyes, you’d quickly reveal your location with your high-pitch screeches of delight.

Shoes. Does it really need to be said again? Yep. Some things never change.

A couple months back at your 18 month doctor appointment we were discussing your lack of teeth, well we really didn’t need to be concerned because over the course of the last month, during a couple sleepless weeks you got SIX teeth at once. Your lower lateral incisors as well as your upper and lower first molars poked through, literally doubling the number of teeth in your mouth.

Luckily we were able to distract you from the teething pain by keeping your social calendar filled with exciting activities. Like playing in the fountain at Progress Ridge. Since it hadn’t been too warm this year, you had yet to play in any type of water feature since you’ve been mobile. I wasn’t sure what your reaction would be, maybe cautious and curious, slowly building up enough courage to venture in. But I certainly wasn’t expecting you to point, shout, “Gawter!” (Hadley-ese for “water”) and run full boar into the spraying geyser. You LOVED it. Giggling and running back and forth from one stream to the next deliriously excited that water was just shooting out of the ground and you could be there to enjoy it.

We celebrated the Fourth of July this week and you loved it as well. I knew, being the social butterfly that you are, any holiday that centered around seeing our family and friends would be a hit with you, but you add parades with marching bands, beautifully decorated floats, and people throwing candy, then to top it all off with fireworks? How could anything be better! You were very brave with all the chaos and especially enjoyed the sparklers (probably because it was the only one we actually let you hold)!

Well my sweet girl, it has been another amazing month of milestones, memories, and magical moments. You are truly such an amazing child. It is such a pleasure to be able to spend so much time in your presence and watch as you grow and develop such a beautiful personality. You are so considerate and kind, silly and wild, sweet and cuddly.

All my love,

When Bug Bites Go Bad

About a week ago, Ana got a bite. We think it was a spider, but as these things often go, we didn’t see the sneaky attacker. She just mentioned her leg was bothering her and when I looked, sure enough there was a little tiny red bump on her thigh. Nothing to freak out over, but as Ana is five, she requested we put a Band-Aid on it. I sprayed it with a little topical anesthetic for the itch/ouch factor and I thought that would be the end of it.

A couple days later she said the bite was still bothering her. So I checked it out. It was pretty red and a kind of swollen, but I figured she was just having a little allergic reaction to the bite and repeated my original process of topical anesthetic spray covered with a Neosporin Band-Aid.

On Thursday it was really hot outside so we met some friends for frozen yogurt and to play in the fountain at Progress Ridge. At one point during our play date I accompanied Ana to the bathroom. When she pulled down her pants I was shocked to see her leg. Right in the middle was the bright purple Band-Aid, and a circle about four inches in diameter around the bite was bright red. I then decided to check it out a little more. The skin was red, hot, and obviously angry. When I touched near the bite Ana flinched. I then sent Sim a text that when he gave her a bath that night I wanted him to make sure to check out her bite because it was making me nervous.

Once he looked at it, he consulted one of our friends who knows a thing or two about this sort of thing and she (without seeing it) said it sounded like an allergic reaction and we should probably give Ana some Benadryl. Not being allergy sufferers, we don’t have Benadryl, let alone children’s Benadryl so I headed off to Walgreen’s. We decided to let the meds have a chance to work and left it alone.

Yesterday morning we looked at her leg and it was most definitely NOT better. In fact it was worse. Now there were two blisters near the original bite. (Here is a picture. Not for the faint of heart.) So we decided we had waited long enough and it was time to take Ana to Urgent Care. Once we saw a doctor, he examined the bite and was touching the surrounding area asking Ana, “does this hurt? How about this?” and working his way gradually closer to the now large and oozing wound. At one point he touched it and it literally ruptured. He quickly looked from me to Ana (who was laying down on the paper sheet covering the hospital bed) to judge our reactions. Upon seeing that Ana didn’t notice what had just happened, he did it again. She said “Ow!” and winced but didn’t actually cry or make him stop. He continued to squeeze her leg until all the junk was visibly gone and it was just dark blood coming from the hole that was now in the middle of her thigh. He had the nurse come in and wrap her leg and we were done.

All bandaged up!

I gotta give the doctor credit, he was quick and cleaned up all the blood quickly to keep Ana from seeing it and thereby totally freaking out. I was so proud of Ana. She managed to keep her cool, never even cried, and was really brave during the entire event. (I managed to hold it together too, not letting anything show on my face and only allowing myself to feel nauseous once we had LEFT the doctor’s office.) The prognosis was that it probably started as a bug bite but she ended up getting a staph infection (cellulitis) in the wound. He wrote us a prescription for antibiotics that she needs to take twice a day for a week and recommended putting a hot pad on it three times a day. He said we would need to drain the abscess at least once (possibly more) to make sure it’s healing properly.

Hot pad time!
So all in all, it’s been a crazy couple of days. I cannot believe that Ana has not been complaining more about being in pain. I mean, after seeing the amount of stuff the doctor drained out of the wound, it had to of been hurting her! And I think back to all the times Hadley was climbing on Ana, bouncing on her lap, not to mention Ana just being five. She is such a tough cookie. I am so proud of my brave little girl. In fact, to reward all her bravery through the whole ordeal, this afternoon we took her on a movie date to see Brave! And she loved it!

Our Newest Family Activity

Anyone who has been around Sim or I in the last several months can tell we are working really hard to get healthy. We started doing Take Shape For Life and got a health coach. We started watching what we eat, (eating better as well as eating less), drinking more water, and getting active. I was doing Stroller Strides several days a week, but it wasn’t until I actually started losing weight on TSFL that I could actually push myself harder and run (as opposed to walk) more. Once the weight started coming off, I was amazed at how much easier it was to get out there and move. So as a family we started coming up with activities we could do together that got us off the couch, out of the house, and doing something physical.

Then on March 24th, Ana learned to ride her bike without training wheels.

She could move. FAST. And we actually had to run to keep up with her. We went on a few family run/rides with Sim and Ana on bikes and me pushing Hadley in my trusty BOB jogging stroller. We would go around our neighborhood, stopping at each play ground we came across.

You have no idea how happy this makes me!!
Then one day I realized it was time for me to get a bike. I had a bike, but it was a hand-me-down and it didn’t really fit me and as a result ended up hurting me so much that I couldn’t ride for more than a few minutes before my knees were killing me. So over Memorial Day weekend I finally told Sim I was ready to go get a bike FOR ME. So we drove over to Bike Gallery and after test driving several models, I found my Townie. (Isn’t she pretty?!)

My pretty new bike!
Then our lovely friends, Chloe and Patrick invited us to go on a bike ride. They were going to ride on the Banks-Vernonia State Trail. They had gone the previous weekend with friends and thought we would enjoy it. They said they rode out about 3.5 miles and turned around (before it got too hilly) and came back. So 7 miles total. I wasn’t too sure if Ana could do it (heck, I wasn’t sure if I could do it!) since the furthest we had gone was about 1.5 miles around our neighborhood. But you never know until you try. We packed some bungee cords to strap Ana’s bike to the Burley in case she got tired and wanted to climb in with Hadley (we have a two-seater bike trailer). So we went on our bike ride, and it was awesome.

It wasn’t totally without drama. Ana’s bike slipped on some moss on the road and she crashed right in front of me. I narrowly avoided running right over her! But she picked herself up, brushed off the dirt, shed a few tears, and asked me to “take a picture and post it to Facebook.” I asked her if she wanted to get in the Burley but she said no. She wanted to keep going. And she rode the whole way. We calculated it on our GPS and it ended up being 7.75 miles total and we were pretty darn proud of ourselves for completing such a ride.

First road rash!
So the next weekend we decided to push ourselves a little further and go to the next segment of the trail (we went from Banks to Manning the first time) and go to Buxton where there was a little day use area and stop for a picnic before heading back. This ride would be 7 miles out, so 14 miles total. But we figured stopping for lunch and getting off the bikes would break up the ride and make it so the kiddos wouldn’t get too bored.

Ready to ride
Helmets and glasses for safety!

And that is exactly what happened.

The Oregon weather has been perfect, and we have been riding every chance we get. We are totally obsessed with our new family activity. I am so proud of us for turning our lives around and setting such great examples for our children. So does anyone have any new trails for us to check out? I’m taking suggestions!

(P.S. Thanks to Chloe for sharing some of her photos with me… so I could actually be in some of them!)

A Letter: Nineteen Months

Dear Hadley,
You turned nineteen months old yesterday. Wow, what a difference a month makes! I feel like the last few weeks we have really had a break through in communication. You are trying to copy the things we say and if you can’t actually articulate the words yet, you mimicking the cadence of our speech. And what you can’t communicate verbally, you show us. You are constantly grabbing my hand to drag me over to the item you want. Or you say, “Mama!” and then pat the couch next to you to show me that you want me to sit down. No, not in the chair over there. RIGHT HERE. And so I sit. Because I will happily reinforce any communications you are willing to attempt.

Along with your ever expanding vocabulary, you are also increasing your independence. Understandably, you want to try to do things on your own. You can’t say it in so many words yet, but you get very upset and firmly say, “No!” when we try to help you. So whenever time allows, I let you struggle and figure things out for yourself. Sometimes your shoes end up on the wrong feet, or your vest ends up around your legs (or on backwards), but you did it on your own and that is all that really matters.

You are still wildly obsessed with shoes. If anyone has taken off their shoes for any reason you promptly sit down and remove your own shoes (and the majority of the time your socks as well) and immediately put on the unattended shoes. You then proceed to shuffle around like a little old lady in house slippers, lifting your feet as little as possible, doing whatever you can to keep those shoes ON.

The other day Ana was playing with some of her old (and rather small) dress up shoes and it was like Christmas had come early! There were fancy shoes! And they were small! And you could keep them on easily! You did lap after lap around the living room, strutting your stuff in those little play shoes. Tyra would be so proud.

If imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, Ana should be incredibly proud because you like to copy every little thing she does. You are like her mini blond haired, blue eyed shadow. If Ana picks up two sticks and starts banging them together, you quickly find two items to clank right along side her. If Ana is singing at the top of her lungs in the backseat of the car, you better believe you are chiming in as well. When Ana heads outside to ride her bike, you quickly come up to me, patting your head, saying, “he-mit?” I love to watch you two interact. From the moment when your eyes light up when you first hear her voice in the morning to the end of the day when you give her good-night kisses. I treasure the hundred heart-warming moments I have the pleasure of witnessing between you each day.

You are obsessed with animal. Real animals, animals in books, animal songs, pictures of animals, you name it. If it doesn’t have “moo” “quack” or “meow” sprinkled in there, we may as well just forget about it. We drive through farm land every weekend on the way to our favorite breakfast place, South Store Cafe. As soon as we round a certain corner, before you have even spotted a cow, you start mooo-ing in the backseat. I love that these things resonate with you, but I also love that we live in such an amazing place that so many varieties of animals are so accessible.

You are quite the little busy body. You are always quickly rushing off to do something, very rarely lingering in one place or sitting still. Whenever I am cooking dinner or putting away groceries you follow me around the kitchen closing each cabinet or drawer that I open. Sometimes, for example, when my hands are full, this can be very helpful. But the majority of the time you don’t even wait for me to be out of the fridge before you start trying to close the door on me. Apparently I don’t always move quick enough for your liking.

As the weather changes, we have been spending more and more time outdoors. You just love playing outside: riding bikes, swinging, coasting on the scooter, jumping on the trampoline, drawing with sidewalk chalk, or any number of the things we do during our precious sun breaks. I love watching you hold your own as you squeeze in between the “big kids” and just start playing. You aren’t afraid to try new things, and while my heart may not be ready to watch you hop on a skateboard and coast through the cul-de-sac, I have to admit that you stayed on longer than I could have!

Hadley, it has been such a wonderful month with you. I can’t even believe that we are on the downhill slide to you being two years old already. I just can’t say enough how quickly time passes and how I just want to find a way to bottle you up and keep you tiny forever. I love the way you waddle like a little duck, leaning back and leading with your round tummy. I love how you bring baby dolls, dangling limply from your tiny hand, with you where ever you go. I love that you alternate between calling me “Mama,” “Mommy,” and simply “Mom” when you are bored because you think it’s funny. I love the way you scrunch up your little nose and squint your eyes when you think I am taking your picture. I even love that despite that fact that you are going to stop doing every one of these things one day, that these are the things that make you who you are at this very moment and I wouldn’t change a thing.

All my love,

18 Month Doctors Appointment

Hadley had her 18-month doctors appointment this morning. Here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 32″ (55th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs 7.5 oz (50th percentile)
Head: 47.5 cm (75th percentile)

Hadley is still slowing on her weight and height. She is my perfectly average little girl, hanging out right in the middle of the growth chart. The doctor performed a myriad of tests (disguised as play), which Hadley found to be quite entertaining. He noticed that she is very good at comprehending the things we say to her and following directions. He asked if she had many words and I said I thought so. He asked if it was more than ten and I said definitely! I had been pretty diligent about keeping track awhile ago and we were at over 25 words so she has certainly added more since then. Our doctor was quite impressed by that.

He mentioned taking her to the dentist and I said that we hadn’t yet, but I was concerned about the order she was getting her teeth. (Here is an interesting pictorial description of typical baby teeth order of appearance.) For the longest time she only had the top four and the bottom middle two but she was teething again and we noticed she is getting a couple more on top, but way in the back. He checked and confirmed they are her first molars. I asked if that was normal to get the molars before she even got the lower lateral incisors and he said sometimes kids are just missing some of their baby teeth. He felt around and said he was pretty sure there are teeth there, but without an X-ray he has no way to tell if they are baby teeth or adult teeth. He said I might talk to our dentist if we think it’s a concern. (Auntie Jeni, care to weigh in on this??)

Otherwise, she got one shot (Hep A) and didn’t even cry. Though she did throw a pretty menacing glare toward the nurse wielding the needle! We go in for her next appointment when she is two years old.

A Letter: Eighteen Months

Dear Hadley,
Today you are eighteen months old. Or one and a half! It’s so hard to believe how big you are getting. There isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t do something new or figure something out. You are currently obsessed with animals and you love to mimic the noises they make. Since you aren’t always sure what kind of animal something is or what sound they make, you sometimes have to guess. For example, while we were in Sunriver recently we kept running into this small herd of about six deer. When you would see them or go looking for them, you’d point out the window and say, “Mooo!”

A couple weeks ago we took you to the Wooden Shoes Tulip Festival in Woodburn. It was adorable to watch you waddle around in your little rubber boots, so excited to see and touch everything. Being the shoe lover that you are, you were quite entertained by the giant wooden shoes and were very excited to get to climb right up into them. We didn’t even have to coax a smile out of you for the camera, you were grinning from ear to ear!

I’m not sure where you got the idea, but as we wandered through the tulip fields you kept having to stop and smell the tulips. Now while they are a beautiful flower (and my personal favorite) tulips do not have much of a fragrance, but you were determined to keep checking… just to be sure!

Despite the fact that you broke your leg on a slide, it hasn’t diminished your love for them. You are my little thrill seeker! In fact, you barely even wait for me to hold your hand or get to the bottom to catch you anymore. You just climb right up and before I know it you are at the bottom, standing up to do it all over again!

The great thing about having a big sister is there is always someone around to play with. And she comes with a lot of really cool toys. You love going into Ana’s room and playing with her pretend make-up (you tend to prefer the lipstick and nail polish varieties), checking out her collection of Barbies, and even digging through her stash of costumes (you gravitate toward the sunglasses, wands, and crowns). I never know what you are going to emerge from her room holding, but chances are it’s going to be good!

It seems like overnight you just started getting hair. It’s coming in all thick and shiny with lovely little curls that spring up in the back when your hair is wet. And just last week I was able to successfully pull your hair back into pigtails. That’s TWO ponies! It was adorable. But since you have such well-behaved hair that lays perfectly, I tend to just leave it alone. Besides, I’m in no rush because I am relatively certain we have YEARS of fighting with your hair ahead of us.

Ana has recently started wanting to play with blocks, which means you have recently become very interested in tearing apart block structures. It can sometimes be a race to see how long it takes Ana to build something before you have disassembled it. The other game you like to play is “empty the box which contains all the blocks.” It’s not that you were looking for something or needed one special piece. No. You just needed every single block out of the box. Lovely.

If I had to describe you with one word this month, it would be the word, “book.” I hear that word more times in one day that any one person ever should. And that is coming from an avid book lover! More often than not, the first word you say to me in the morning is “book” and it is also the last word your dad, who is in charge of the bedtime routine, hears at the end of the day. Last week I made the mistake of telling you we were going to the library and the entire way there all I heard was, “Book? Book. BOOOK!!”

You are very excited about the world around you. You are inquisitive and love to explore. I love watching you figure things out and start to understand the way things work. I love when you get that look in your eyes that means you really GET IT and then seeing the sense of pride wash over you (and probably me!) in realizing your latest accomplishment.

It has been another fantastic month with you. You are such a joy in my life. There are very few things that make me happier than when you climb up onto my lap to snuggle, or wrap your arms around my neck in a huge hug. You are such a sweet and caring little girl and I cannot wait to see what life has in store for you. I can guarantee it’s going to be an amazing journey and I am so thankful that I get to come along for the ride.

All my love,